


Bug #103059

Updated by Sybille Peters about 2 months ago

In the file list you can see the number of references for files which are referenced from content which you do not have access to, and you can also click on the link, but the references will not be displayed. 

 I would expect it to be possible to see the references (read-only) and also be able to see which pages the references are on (ideally by having a "view page" button). 

 Otherwise you cannot delete files and you can't find out (as normal editor) where they are still being referenced from. 

 This means, these cases can only be resolved by admin users or by users with access to both the files and the content. 

 h2. Example 

 user A 
 - access to pages /a/ 
 - access to files fileadmin/a 

 user B 
 - access to pages /b/ 
 - access to files fileadmin/b 

 Content in /a/ links to file /b/test.png. Now, user b cannot see references for test.png and cannot delete test.png. 

 Ideally, the user should be able to see the references (but of course not edit content they have no permissions for). 

 h2. Screenshots 


