# 4.5.0 2011-01-26 RELEASE * Bug #24690: t3lib_compressor should write .htaccess * Bug #24691: Remove unnecessary comments and color profiles from all shipped .png / .gif files * Bug #24693: Rename extension "list" to "recordlist" * Bug #24694: No possibility to refresh the positioning of the toolbar items with a common function * Bug #24695: Add Expires header to _.htaccess * Bug #24696: migrateWorkspaces in Install-Tool shows up even if nothing has to be done * Bug #24700: CSH tooltip does not render correctly for allowed Excludefields * Bug #24701: change status update task to use the new default From email address setting from config_default * Bug #24703: Make the drag area on the split bars wider than 1px * Bug #24704: Missing styling in Ext Js Grid Headers * Bug #24710: Introduce setting "defaultMailFromName" and move defaultMailFromAddress to [MAIL] section * Bug #24711: Use of reserved word "class" breaks grid editor in Safari * Bug #24713: The unit test for t3lib_formprotection_BackendFormProtection is broken * Bug #24714: Cursor not changing to help over some labels * Bug #24715: The ExtDirect token needs to be regenerated after relogin by popup window * Bug #24716: Pagetree - Only call the singleClick method if the navigation component is visible * Bug #24717: htmlArea RTE: Remove Image button when images are not enabled * Bug #24720: Backwards compatibility broken and JS errors when editing files in file list module * Bug #24721: Live-Search help only appearing at first use * Bug #24722: Thumbnails in TCEforms have broken clickMenu * Bug #24724: Names of backend layout columns not displayed properly * Bug #24725: Page module not using full width when using a backend layout * Bug #24726: Numbering of colPos inconsistent * Bug #24727: AdminPanel becomes too wide when "TypoScript->display content" is checked * Bug #24731: Install tool is unable to delete database tables * Bug #24732: fitToParent calculates wrong height * Bug #24744: Resizable textares not working in Chrome 9 * Bug #24767: Installation of version/workspaces cannot be skipped in migration wizard * Bug #24769: JS error in contexthelp * Bug #24770: CSH in Flexforms of extbase exts broken * Bug #24773: The FlashUploader does not disappear anymore * Bug #24777: SQL error in Update Wizard of workspaces * Bug #24778: Pagetree preloads huge amount of pages with initial load / refresh * Bug #24782: Old Contextmenu: Partly broken - Mount as TreeRoot / Hide / Unhide / Delete * Bug #24783: "Select files" in FlashUploader works only on the second click in Firefox / position: value of ExtJS button changes on click * Bug #24784: Workspaces module get place on "top" of all modules * Bug #24786: Formprotection persistToken method is called too often, causing unnecessary DB-load * Bug #24788: sys_language -> flag selections ends at letter q * Bug #24790: Form protection tokens get lost because of a race condition when persisting tokens * Bug #24797: The column headers of the grid view are swapped when there is no column header available * Bug #24799: Unable to set new Install Tool Password * Bug #24800: CSRF token invalid error when using the clickmenu in record list to delete a record. * Bug #24802: Admin Panel CSS is loaded in the Backend * Bug #24805: Login/ Logout was not possible after introducing the locking in #24790 * Bug #24809: Rename the t3lib_formprotection_Factory class to t3lib_formprotection * Feature #24812: Pagetree -Provide a default contextmenu action to open custom urls * Feature #24813: Since using new flags from sprites (famfam), the sys_language hasn't a flag-selector by icon * Bug #24815: Saving extension configuration fails * Bug #24816: Flag sprites was not updated after renaming canada.gif back to ca.gif and "multi-language" was missing * Bug #24819: In new em, t3lib_tsstyleconfig adds another formtag * Bug #24823: Update language packaages: button misaligned * Bug #24829: Rename "Update Wizard" into "Upgrade Wizard" * Bug #24832: Swift Mailer Adapter does not parse To: addresses * Bug #24833: Refreshing Login after automatic sessiontimeout not working * Bug #24837: no Values for Count in "DB check -> Record Statistics" * Bug #24839: Wording in Upgrade wizard: Install New System Extensions