# 4.5.4 2011-07-27 SECURITY * Bug #17506: EM diplays only a white page when something is wrong in an extension file * Bug #20519: IDN Domain names handled incorrectly in parts of the backend * Bug #21609: Problem with german "Umlaute" in BE file list, no thumbs generated * Bug #22594: Class prefix problem in getUserObj and callUserFunction (t3lib_div) * Bug #22599: Include robots noindex meta tag in typo3 backend, especially login page * Bug #24212: Update meta tag "charset" for HTML5 – document character-encoding declaration * Bug #24456: Information disclosure during backend login * Bug #24958: BE forms: language selector show superfluous records * Bug #24975: hsc called twice for title tag at login page * Bug #25156: Webkit Nightly: RTE hangs at "The editor is being loaded. Please wait..." * Bug #25368: crop and cropHTML doesn't crop if "maxCharacters" is equal or lower than first word * Bug #25488: compileWhereClause causes Extbase errors with DBAL due to wrong handling of FIND_IN_SET * Bug #26483: stdWrap for excludeUidList (HMENU) does not work * Feature #26485: Natural sort with t3lib_div::naturalKeySortRecursive() * Bug #26734: Android not detected properly by t3lib_utility_Client::getBrowserInfo() * Bug #26779: phpTimeZone not working * Bug #26867: content FORM: wrong layout for label * Bug #26913: Wrong value for "UNIX/CGI" when using fcgid * Bug #27100: use t3lib_BEfunc::getRecordTitle in module header and beuser module * Bug #27134: wrong where clause compilation with multiple FIELD_IN_SET query parts * Bug #27152: missing xclass in typo3/classes/class.livesearch.php * Bug #27304: TBE_EDITOR.rawurlencode erroneously adds "=" in wizards * Bug #27348: Incompatible call to debug_backtrace() prior to PHP 5.3.5 * Bug #27635: Exception Handlers not used if not defined in localconf.php explicitly * Bug #27643: Element editing is restricted if editor has no right to the related WS-stage * Bug #27745: typo in typo3/template.php * Bug #27774: Backend doctype 'xhtml_trans' is broken * Bug #27809: API method persistTokens has been removed after refactoring * Bug #27935: Exclude E_DEPRECATED form exceptional errors * Bug #28009: htmlArea RTE: Removing class from link in IE8 won't work * Bug #28050: t3lib_div::devLog - PHPDoc Comment does not match method signature * Bug #28082: translaters might not see their records within the workspaces list * Bug #28234: Chained stdWrap is broken for boolean stdWrap function types * Bug #28255: Warning in log when displaying report * Bug #28311: Reinstate user switch+switch back button for CLI users * Feature #28384: Add ExtJS Xtype for BE Modules * Bug #28406: Revert "BE User module allows switching to CLI users" #28008