# 4.7.0-beta2 2012-03-13 * Bug #28604: Switching from workspace module to another module does not work * Bug #32261: mkdir_deep does not set correct permissions nor create group * Bug #32581: Slider doesn't work in IE with compatibilty mode IE=9 * Bug #33160: tslib_pibase: Outdated PHPDoc comment for pi_loadLL() * Bug #33718: Fatal error function posix_getgroups is not available * Bug #34020: Toolbar Separator IE8 * Bug #34303: IRRE hide/unhide broken in master * Bug #34308: With "virtual page-root" review-grid needs restriction to mountpoints * Bug #34371: Custom HTML5 attributes loose their hyphens when rendered in frontend * Task #34441: TYPO3 logo points to typo3.com * Bug #34443: With tt_news installed update to 4.7beta1 fails * Bug #34446: undefined variable imgExt in tslib_content.php * Bug #34460: Allowed excludefields shows fields of tables which are admin only * Bug #34473: Fatal error is thrown in xliff parser if a xlf file contains XML in wrong format * Bug #34482: Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_getgid() * Bug #34526: Mail sending fails with quoted&encoded e-mail addresses * Bug #34658: RTE: Context menu looses current selection in IE9 * Task #34685: Compatibility adjustments for PHP 5.4 * Bug #34730: HTML5 document rendering cannot handle XML/non-XML syntax correctly * Bug #34764: RTE: Adapt clickenlarge feature to rendering of HTML5 custom attributes