# 4.7.1 2012-05-22 * Bug #21713: List module shows relation to deleted records * Bug #21924: suggest wizard does not work properly with TCA fields of type "select" * Bug #32815: Search error in 4.7.0 alpha2 Introduction Package * Bug #36308: CardLayout, path of css file is wrongly calculated * Bug #36482: Page Module refers to nonexisting javaScript file * Bug #36512: Extension Manager doesn't show default labels if no translation is found * Bug #36541: in css hard-coded margin-left (or right) of 510px for "csc-textpic-text" in layout 25 and 26 * Bug #36747: felogin forgot password e-mail arrives messed up * Bug #36770: Extension manager doesn't show whether extension is installed * Bug #36828: Fix for wrong function signatures * Bug #36841: Wrong query in RecordCollectionRepository * Bug #36906: TCEform shows empty tab