# 6.1.0 2013-04-30 * Bug #20793: noTrimWrap = | || won't work inside a menu * Bug #23977: FE classes TSpagegen and FE_LoadDBgroup are not following naming conventions * Feature #38163: Allow stdWrap on form-defaultvalues * Feature #38591: Add method to get cache manager instance from t3lib_cache * Task #41208: Remove static templates * Feature #42457: Backend layout & page content wizard * Task #42543: Removing unnecessary TypoScript constants * Feature #43582: Implement a Environment Switch to LocalConfiguration * Feature #43999: Make InstallTool more comforable to use * Feature #44182: File links: Add registers for title text and alt text fields * Bug #44469: Install tool -> change settings confirmation page is empty * Feature #44593: Introduce service to handle multiple flash message queues * Bug #44732: fallbackRendering is always called in tx_cssstyledcontent_pi1->render_textpic * Task #44763: Remove deprecated code that is marked to be deleted in 6.1 * Task #44764: Remove deprecated security_level * Bug #44879: Remove inline styles from parsed blockquote tag * Feature #45022: Utility function to deprecate public method calls. * Bug #45110: File is listed twice in sys_file * Task #45117: Remove deprecate option 'path' for extendCMclasses * Task #45149: Cleanup form * Feature #45154: Add a "Run task" button to task overview * Bug #45180: Cleanup func and func_wizards * Bug #45254: In TMENU the node is still a IFSUB when it only has subpages, which are excluded with excludeUidList * Bug #45319: inject* methods in FAL inhibit use of Extbase object manager * Task #45326: Add info in news.txt about STI change in Extbase * Task #45341: Replace deprecated calls in belog * Task #45342: Remove/fix deprecated things in extensionmanager * Task #45499: \TYPO3\CMS\Utility\StringUtility is not used in core - consider deprecation * Task #45503: [TASK] Update file type according to Iana standard * Task #45509: Declare non static methods static * Bug #45588: Fatal error: Class '\FE_loadDBGroup' not found in /typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/GeneralUtility.php on line 4158 * Bug #45699: Implement pre- and post-hook around SELECT queries * Task #45937: Deprecate class FE_loadDBGroup * Feature #46142: Introduce XCache cache backend * Task #46143: Cleanup wizard_crpages and wizard_sortpages * Task #46144: Cleanup sysext "tstemplate" and module functions * Feature #46259: Hook to allow other files than images in css_styled_content * Task #46294: Remove rewrittenPropertyMapper setting in sysext * Feature #46542: Extend the local driver to support human readable names * Task #46546: Improve rendering of "System environment check" * Task #46550: Improve suhosin checks * Bug #46568: Subfolders must use the identifier as identifier and not the name * Bug #46573: Time of last update from TER does not update after update from TER * Task #46580: FileList misses function getFolderObject * Bug #46610: ElementBrowser must not use dirname() on identifier * Bug #46674: News.txt Entry for Fluid arrays only in ViewHelper arguments * Task #46686: RTE linking to file doesn't prevent deleting it * Task #46777: Improve behaviour when mime type detection is missing * Task #46954: Remove deprecated code * Bug #47085: TYPO3_CONF_VARS SYS DB databasePort setting * Bug #47143: Wrong method call * Task #47158: Clean up frontend data submission handling * Task #47159: Currently it isn't possible to pass multiple params to user functions within typoscript conditions. Why? * Task #47160: Remove last mentions of t3lib_formmail * Bug #47163: t3lib_softrefproc referenced in DefaultConfiguration * Bug #47164: Referenced file names in ext_localconf * Task #47170: Remove further t3lib mentions from codebase * Bug #47189: Removed file stays in clipboard - will resutl with error thrown * Bug #47221: Database connection with portnumber fails after DB lazy loading * Feature #47296: Extension Manager Edit Files * Bug #47332: Something was wrong with FORM CE * Bug #47393: Extbase: typo in ClassNamingUtility description * Task #47411: News.txt Entry for Extbase Property Mapper change to explicit persisting * Task #47455: Separate DB TYPO3_CONF_VARS settings host and port * Bug #47459: GeneralUtility::rmdir does not remove orphanaged links * Bug #47467: Add ext:install to unit test suite * Feature #47530: sys_category should be globally available * Bug #47532: Introduction Package 6.1: news-realurl problem * Task #47635: Update sysext version numbers to 6.1.0 * Task #47639: Update sysext version number to 6.1.0 * Task #47640: Update sysext version numbers to 6.1.0 * Task #47641: pdate sysext version numbers to 6.1.0 * Bug #47656: Update warning text in System Enviroment Check * Bug #47686: Fatal error in extbase, ConfigurationManager.php on line 94 * Bug #47687: Typo in System environment check freetype message * Bug #47720: Class * contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\RepositoryInterface::findByIdentifier) * Bug #47730: After update from 4.7 - White Page in Install Tool