# 7.4 (Backend) 2015-08-04 Backend Overhaul Vol .2 * Bug #14509: File module (aka fileadmin) "redirect" and "target" problems * Bug #15156: Setting headerOnly also removes markup of search words * Bug #16109: support for own drag'n'drop actions is limited * Bug #16840: menu.showAccessRestrictedPages does not work with hmenu.special = list * Feature #18424: Enable manual ordering of tables in list view * Feature #18737: Different icon for pages where content is fetched from a different page * Bug #19814: Backend search (/typo3/db_list.php): search_levels GP var * Bug #20194: Usability: Remove "Save and View" when creating records in sysfolders * Feature #20325: function module can be configurred only in ext_tables.php * Bug #20420: wizard_edit.php does'nt work in flexforms * Bug #21245: Improve "Login not possible" message, if login fails although username and password were correct * Feature #22175: Filelist should use IEC prefixes and appropriate units for filesize. * Bug #22710: tslib_fe::getPagesTSconfig wrong order of rootline TS * Task #23078: Ship .htaccess with a Deny rule for *.sql * Feature #23085: Save and view only working with content and pages * Feature #23094: adding two new fields to fe_users table * Feature #23589: Popup wizard doesn't close when clicking "save & close" * Bug #24793: Different environment variables in CLI - add hint to mail * Bug #24858: t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs() may crash when using tslib_eidtools::initFeUser() * Bug #24862: t3editor behaves strange * Bug #24960: Rewrite t3lib_loadModules::getRelativePath() * Bug #25189: GIFBUILDER and splitChar does not work after update * Feature #25204: rsaauth not applied to password change in BE * Feature #25339: Create scheduler task for lowlevel_refindex * Feature #25741: TScript condition to distinguish module loaded * Bug #26077: Fallback to DELETE if TRUNCATE not allowed * Bug #27343: popup window for acronyms is missing the fieldset part in lower resolution * Feature #27669: Proxy Exceptions for Curl * Feature #29105: Options to hide Refresh and Drag&Drop Page above the Pagetree * Bug #29696: section_frame in listview displays wrong label * Bug #31110: unable to edit user in sys_action task * Feature #33071: Add the http header "Content-Language" when rendering a page * Bug #33370: config.compressJs/-Css & concatenateJs/Css problems * Bug #34568: rsaauth can not be used multiple times on one page * Feature #34922: Allow .ts file extension for static typoscript templates * Bug #35392: Preview links not working if BE is using SSL and websites aren't * Bug #35695: BE Language change don't take effect on TopFrame and Fileuploader * Bug #35925: Livesearch does not respect temporary treeroots * Bug #36234: Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Class t3lib_FlashMessage does not exist * Bug #36618: enableByTypeConfig for wizards is not respected in palettes * Bug #37609: t3lib_div::callUserFunction causes PHP warnings * Bug #38110: Conceptual problem in Web > Access > User Overview * Bug #39165: HTML content element html-decodes HTML entities * Bug #39290: indexed_search pi2 (extbase/fluid plugin): Result titles are double-htmlspecialchared * Task #40227: Remove typo3/mod * Bug #42158: Menu/Sitemap for "recently updated pages" shows pages not yet published live * Bug #42193: UX: Last node in page tree is not selected for non-admin * Task #43292: Login box CAPS lock warning * Bug #43513: Styling of the big buttons in the page module has been forgotten * Bug #43901: Element browser has no upload possibility * Bug #43984: Add missing stdWrap to treatIdAsReference * Bug #45000: assign target to file link in header leads to path error * Bug #45125: Hide "Create new relation" for FAL fields, if maxitems = 1 and an image is selected * Bug #45155: Two slashes in to access the backend * Bug #45274: Content element type HTML breaks when