# 9.2 2018-04-10 * Feature #73474: Disconnect slots from signals * Task #75622: Streamline pageNotFound handling within TSFE * Feature #76349: Integrate Swift Mailer's spool transport into TYPO3 * Feature #78332: Allow setting a default replyTo-email-address for notification-mails * Task #80018: Deprecate usage of EXT:rsaauth * Bug #80116: rte_ckeditor displaces dropdown overlays and jumps to top of page on crome/safari * Feature #80124: EXT:form - custom error message for regexp validator * Bug #80264: Add signal slot for successful login * Feature #80477: Drag and drop content elements in page module * Feature #82089: EXT:form Support "imports" in form configuration * Feature #82211: Allow generlOverride in formDefinitionOverrides * Feature #82704: TextareaViewHelper is missing readonly and required attributes * Task #83251: Minify JavaScript files created from TypeScript * Feature #83404: Add constants for GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv * Task #83462: Do not resolve non-namespaced validator classes * Task #83475: Aggregate validator information in class schema * Feature #83551: Allow leaving out Resources/Private/Language in XLIFF file paths * Bug #83662: OK button of be layout wizard got no styles * Task #83711: Remove usage of pages_language_overlay using feature flags * Task #83724: HTTP RequestHandlers should always return a PSR-7 ResponseInterface, not NULL * Feature #83725: Introduce PSR-15 HTTP Middleware support * Task #83726: HTTP RequestHandlers should use strict typing * Task #83727: Reimplement EXT:redirect as PSR-15 middleware * Feature #83736: Extend PSR-7 requests by TYPO3 server parameters * Bug #83764: Element Browser shows page translations * Task #83765: Move Frontend preprocess functionality to PSR-15 middleware * Bug #83766: Revert PSR-15 Frontend Middlewares * Task #83767: Revert "Add support for PSR-15 HTTP middlewares" * Bug #83770: ErrorHandler is not triggered after first error anymore * Task #83785: Use TSFE->isBackendUserLoggedIn() instead of public variable * Bug #83786: Wrong Token Crashes Server * Task #83792: Move BE-related bootstrap code to PSR-15 middleware * Task #83794: External URL redirect should use PSR-7 Response objects * Bug #83800: Add backwards-compatibility for old BE modules * Bug #83802: Timetracker and pre-process middleware ordering is incorrect * Task #83803: Rewrite eID handling as PSR-15 middleware * Task #83806: Deprecate page.javascriptLibs.jQuery * Bug #83810: "Is publicly available" pseudo-checkbox should be styled in line with other checkboxes * Bug #83811: Remove usage of fluid legacy classes in the core * Task #83831: Make extension scanner aware of the deprecated EidRequestHandler * Task #83839: Update UC in recycler only once * Task #83853: Unify Backend Request Handlers * Bug #83854: EidHandler triggers an exception when an eID script returns null * Task #83864: Directly wire Application and RequestHandler * Task #83866: Use Logging API for scheduler logging * Bug #83867: ProductionExceptionHandler: assumes TSFE is always available * Task #83869: Remove request type specific code in Bootstrap * Task #83879: Move folder typo3/sysext/form/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Backend/Vendor to typo3/sysext/form/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib * Task #83882: Show ordered PSR-15 middlewares in Configuration module * Task #83883: Separate Error handling from TSFE * Bug #83886: InfoWindow has unnecessary console.log * Task #83890: Remove overkill extension classes in about module * Bug #83892: The duplicate button is visible also if it makes no sense * Task #83899: Set about module free from Extbase * Task #83915: Make existing PSR-15 middlewares use of normalizedParams * Task #83917: Move "pageUnavailable_force" into a PSR-15 middleware * Task #83922: Simplify Frontend Request Handler * Bug #83923: TCA Linkwizard does not save New Files at the first time * Bug #83924: Correct Bootstrap check for install tool requests * Bug #83926: Language related fields for the "Duplicate" button are hardcoded * Task #83928: Move TSFE Initialization into a PSR-15 middleware * Task #83931: Move FE OutputCompression to PSR-15 * Task #83936: Move FE User initialization into PSR-15 middleware * Bug #83938: Table markup of DragDropUploader is broken * Feature #83942: Provide VH to render icon for resources * Bug #83946: Content-Type for some backend ajax routes and eID scripts broken since "[TASK] Create own response instance in controller actions" * Task #83951: Decouple Bootstrap and Application initialization * Task #83952: Make stateless Bootstrap methods static * Task #83953: Inject the PackageManager into the DependencyResolver * Task #83954: Do not use Bootstrap->getInstance()::populateLocalConfiguration * Task #83959: Move BE User initialization into PSR-15 middleware * Task #83961: Remove unused bootstrap dependency from frontend RequestHandler * Task #83966: Consolidate singleton usage * Task #83969: Shortcut pages should show 'keywords' and 'description' fields. * Bug #83971: Console show deprecation warning in chrome * Task #83987: Remove extbase from view extension * Task #84001: Remove unused ADMCMD_previewWS GET parameter * Task #84006: Remove additional GET variables for sys_preview links * Bug #84007: TYPO3 is undefined in Install Tool * Task #84014: Consolidate hooks in workspace preview * Task #84015: Use PSR-7 request params in viewpage module * Task #84021: Remove workspace_preview functionality * Bug #84024: Edit view of scheduler task use wrong icon for datepicker * Task #84026: Remove last occurrences of default draft workspace * Bug #84030: workspace preview only shows "preview" anymore * Bug #84031: Enable special workspace preview again * Task #84032: Move evaluation of ADMCMD_noBeUser to workspace hook * Task #84035: Get rid of special fePreview=2 for workspaces * Task #84038: Use TSFE API methods for checking workspace preview * Task #84039: Move workspace preview user to custom class * Task #84040: Move workspaces preview hook to PSR-15 middlware * Task #84042: Clean up user permission checking in FE request handling * Task #84043: Call getDomainStartPage without third parameter * Bug #84046: Context Menu > New record wizard does not open modal * Bug #84048: Make arguments 3 - 5 in Icons.getIcon optional * Task #84050: Log warning if configured backend login logo could not be resolved * Bug #84055: Migrate sys_notes away from extbase * Task #84056: Move preview setting evaluation in separate method * Task #84057: Streamline PHP assignments and comments * Task #84074: Clean up workspace preview top bar * Task #84082: A LogRecord should not rely on global state (requestId from Bootstrap) * Task #84083: ApplicationContext should consistently be retrieved from GeneralUtility * Task #84090: Remove unused use statements * Task #84096: Move Page ID resolving to PSR-15 middleware * Task #84099: Decouple SystemEnvironmentBuilder from Bootstrap * Task #84102: Set COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION to 9.2.0@dev for bamboo * Task #84107: Stop monkey patching CacheManager configuration in InstallTool * Task #84109: Merge the package DependencyResolver into the PackageManager * Task #84117: Do not reinitialize CacheManager and PackageManager in clearAllCache * Feature #84120: Create absolute URLs with typolink viewhelpers * Bug #84121: Add missing license information to new PHP files * Task #84126: Remove comments that contain v4 or FLOW information * Task #84136: Cleanup code imports for all workspaces classes * Bug #84138: Repetitive creation of content elements via wizard not possible anymore * Bug #84144: RootlineUtility is enriching all related fields * Task #84145: Cleanup folder tree view option * Bug #84149: Avoid associative array to be used in LocalizationUtility * Feature #84153: Introduce an Environment class * Bug #84156: avoid E_NOTICE reporting in ArrayUtility * Feature #84159: Extract admin panel to own extension * Task #84162: Update TYPO3 icons dependency * Task #84199: Make it possible to override an AJAX action in jsfunc.inline.js * Bug #84200: Unknown palette "language" referenced in filemetadata extension's TCA configuration * Bug #84251: Search icon doesn't trigger searchbar anymore * Task #84276: Make StringUtilityTest.php notice free * Task #84277: Make ClassNamingUtilityTest.php notice free * Task #84278: Make ExtensionUtilityTest.php notice free * Task #84281: Make LocalizationUtilityTest.php notice free * Task #84282: Make LocalizationFactoryTest.php notice free * Task #84283: Make LocallangXmlParserTest.php notice free * Bug #84301: Make AbstractNodeTest.php notice free * Task #84302: Make DirectoryNodeTest notice free * Task #84304: Make FileNodeTest notice free * Task #84305: Make LinkNodeTest notice free * Task #84310: Make SilentConfigurationUpgradeServiceTest notice free * Task #84311: Make L10nModeUpdaterTest notice free * Task #84312: Make AbstractCoreMatcherTest notice free * Task #84313: Make ArrayDimensionMatcherTest notice free * Task #84314: Make MethodArgumentDroppedMatcherTest notice free * Task #84315: Make MethodArgumentDroppedStaticMatcherTest notice free * Task #84316: Make MethodArgumentRequiredMatcherTest notice free * Task #84317: Make MethodArgumentRequiredStaticMatcherTest notice free * Task #84318: Make MethodArgumentUnusedMatcherTest notice free * Task #84319: Make MethodCallMatcherTest notice free * Task #84320: Make MethodCallStaticMatcherTest notice free * Task #84325: Make AbstractWidgetViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84328: Make LinkServiceTest.php notice free * Task #84329: Make WidgetRequestBuilderTest notice free * Task #84330: Make StandaloneViewTest notice free * Bug #84331: Remove usage of extbase in HelpController * Task #84333: Make ProcessedFileTest.php notice free * Task #84337: Use ServerRequestInterface in Wizard/ListController * Task #84339: Make RedirectServiceTest.php notice free * Task #84340: Make IfAuthenticatedViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84345: Make CObjectViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84346: Make FlashMessagesViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84348: Make SelectViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84350: Make FileSizeValidatorTest.php notice free * Task #84351: Make FileLinkHandlerTest.php notice free * Task #84355: Make ArrayUtilityTest.php notice free * Task #84359: Make TextareaViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84362: Make ServerRequestFactoryTest notice free * Task #84365: Make TextfieldViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84366: Make CharsetConverterTest notice free * Task #84370: Make FormViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84371: Make WebProcessorTest notice free * Task #84372: Make PageViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84373: Make TypolinkViewHelper notice free * Task #84377: Make IconFactoryTest notice free * Task #84378: Make PdoBackendTest notice free * Task #84379: Make ExtensionStatusTest notice free * Task #84380: Make ExtensionManagementServiceTest notice free * Task #84381: Make EmConfUtilityTest notice free * Task #84382: Make IconViewHelperTest notice free * Task #84383: Make FileHandlingUtilityTest notice free * Task #84384: Make InstallUtilityTest notice free * Task #84385: Make ListUtilityTest notice free * Task #84386: Make MailerTest notice free * Task #84389: Make Typo3DatabaseBackendTest notice free * Task #84390: Make FormEditorControllerTest notice free * Task #84393: Make RteHtmlParserTest notice free * Task #84394: Make FormManagerControllerTest notice free * Task #84396: Make AbstractFinisher notice free * Task #84397: Make form/Tests/Unit/Domain/FormElements/ notice free * Task #84398: Make DataStructureIdentifierHookTest notice free * Task #84401: Make sysext/form/Tests/Unit/Mvc/ notice free * Task #84402: Make TranslationServiceTest notice free * Task #84413: Make sysext/backend/Tests/Unit/ notice free * Task #84423: Make AbstractUserAuthenticationTest notice free * Task #84424: Make BackendUtilityTest notice free * Task #84426: Make TaskTest notice free * Task #84428: Make FrontendWorkspaceRestrictionTest notice free * Task #84429: Make FrontendUserAuthenticationTest notice free * Task #84430: Make SessionTest notice free * Task #84431: Make ConditionMatcherTest notive free * Task #84433: Make VideoTagRendererTest notice free * Bug #84434: TypoScript ifBlank does not work with strlen like expected * Task #84435: Make CommandLineBackendTest notice free * Task #84437: Make DispatcherTest notice free * Task #84439: Make AudioTagRendererTest notice free * Task #84441: Make VimeoRendererTest notice free * Task #84442: Make BackendTest notice free * Task #84444: Make TableBuilderTest notice free * Task #84446: Make LogManagerTest notice free * Task #84447: Make YouTubeRendererTest notice free * Task #84451: Make ActionControllerTest notice free * Bug #84452: TypoScript stdWrap property round will never be called * Task #84453: Improve Install Tool Login * Task #84454: Remove useless check in scheduler controller * Bug #84455: TypoScript wrong autocompletion in editor for numberFormat * Task #84461: Make CacheHashCalculatorTest notice free * Bug #84464: Wrong $host value when mailSettings['transport_smtp_server'] is not set. * Task #84468: Make UriBuilderTest notice free * Task #84470: Make SqlReaderTest notice free * Bug #84484: TableWizard not usable anymore * Bug #84487: "Open in new window" not functional anymore * Task #84490: Add missing HTTP status code presets for PSR-7 responses * Task #84515: Add rule "return_type_declaration" to php-cs-fixer * Bug #84530: Deprecate globals usage in FormEngine * Feature #84545: Use dynamic path for typo3temp/var/ * Feature #84549: Use new REST api for get.typo3.org and integrate update check * Task #84565: Update CKEditor to 4.7.2 → 4.9.1 * Bug #84577: Can't delete folder via contextmenu * Feature #84581: Create a backend module to create site configurations * Task #84583: Add upgrade wizard to enable the admin panel * Bug #84589: "Show hidden content elements" should respect language selection * Task #84627: Simplify security viewhelpers * Task #84630: Sort list of Composer dependencies * Bug #84636: Wrong type hint in PageLayoutViewDrawFooterHookInterface * Task #84637: Move linkData() functionality in PageLinkBuilder * Bug #84638: Backend languages do not work * Bug #84645: Updating languages doesn't flush l10n cache * Bug #84648: Wrong argument definition in MethodCallMatcher for getFromMPmap and initMPmap_create * Bug #84649: Opening the newContentElementWizard triggers Deprecation Error * Bug #84652: Translated page called with L parameter throws exception * Task #84660: Streamline UpgradeWizard * Bug #84661: SiteHandling can't load config on windows * Task #84662: Cleanup site handling * Bug #84670: SiteLanguage does not correctly use 'title' as fallback for 'naviagtionTitle' * Bug #84674: Resource loading broken in composer mode on clean install * Bug #84675: Locale en_EN.UTF8 mentioned in examples does not exist * Bug #84676: PHP Warning in redirects module without site configuration * Bug #84677: Call to deprecated method initializeFrontendEdit * Bug #84678: Move leftover 9.2 documentatino RST files * Task #84679: Fetch html tag "lang" attribute from site