# 10 LTS 2020-04-21 Released on 21.04.2020 * Feature #83128: Search/Filter for new content element wizard * Bug #88192: PHP Warning because of missing backend.css * Epic #88540: Reduce dependencies to TSFE in Frontend Request Workflow * Bug #89124: Template TypoScript editor broken and not working * Bug #89434: Action argument values will get lost on validation error * Feature #89513: Provide password recovery for backend users * Bug #89732: onChange does not react in FlexForm context * Bug #90302: DatabaseTreeDataProvider crashes after switching to PSR-14 * Epic #90332: Dashboard for TYPO3 - MVP * Bug #90338: Error after last step in install tool * Task #90340: Documentation for dashboard ext * Bug #90422: ActionController::redirect() without action argument causes exception in master * Bug #90454: Don't break dashboard if widget is no longer available * Bug #90462: invalid trigger_error call in DocumentTemplate * Bug #90533: Style BE user compare/show * Bug #90534: Drag'n'drop uploader inside textpic or images only uploads files but don't add them to the content element automatically anymore * Bug #90535: 10.3.0 throws PHP Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Couldn't fetch mysqli_stmt in /vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/Mysqli/MysqliStatement.php line 236 * Bug #90537: AssetCollector doesn't work for uncached plugins * Bug #90546: Charts won't render from time to time * Bug #90555: The height of #typo3-page tree-tree is not flexible * Bug #90556: TYPO3 Exception: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given * Bug #90559: After Update from 10.2.2 to 10.3.0 translation button in alternative language column is missing * Bug #90560: Extbase class mapping : recordType not taken into account anymore * Bug #90563: Widgets are executed, even if they are not used * Bug #90613: Add language Parameter to several Link/Uri VH * Bug #90622: Links to wrong repository from Packagist * Task #90625: Deprecate Extbase's SignalSlot Dispatcher * Bug #90626: "Add media by URL" does not work anymore * Task #90627: Use codeception 4 for acceptance tests * Bug #90628: Backend Info-Box shows links to environment and error log as written html * Bug #90633: png Icons for BackendModules * Bug #90638: Doughnout widget broken with to big legend on mobile * Task #90643: Lower priority of Argon2id * Bug #90644: Null given when dispatch LogoutConfirmedEvent * Bug #90647: Acceptance Tests fail in composer min setup with codeception 4.x * Task #90652: Commands should return an integer value based on their success * Bug #90656: Fatal error while trying to send notification-email upon backend-login * Bug #90660: Allow creation of Widgets through API using only configuration * Task #90670: Revisit wording for Backend Password Reset logic * Task #90671: Update dev-dependency phpspec/prophecy * Bug #90672: TCA 'onChange' => 'reload' not working for checkbox fields * Task #90686: Deprecate \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileMount * Bug #90687: Backend search is corrupted due to missing fields in dashboard * Bug #90718: Simplify base of new created site * Task #90720: Improve Install Tool Wizard Texts * Task #90725: Migate TestTask to FluidEmail * Task #90726: Migrate SystemstatusTask to FluidEmail * Task #90729: Migrate Felogin mail to FluidEmail * Bug #90732: FileIndexRepository can not be constructed when using the Maintenance->Remove Temporary Assets functionality * Bug #90737: Cannot read property 'clearable' of undefined * Bug #90738: JS error in Install Tool > Upgrade docs > Filter by Tags * Bug #90740: Firefox show multiple warnings related to the dashboard * Bug #90748: Action buttons in Analyze Database Structure are not disabled * Bug #90750: Modals in Install Tool might take some time to show up * Bug #90763: Make title section in SystemEmail.txt optional * Bug #90769: Failure of AbstractRssWidget.php breaks dashboard * Bug #90770: Show newest rss entries first * Bug #90771: InputLinkElement does not support telefphone links * Bug #90776: Cannot use tab category name with spaces in extension configuration * Task #90785: Clean up various code pieces * Task #90787: Make tests PHPUnit v9 compatible * Bug #90788: Automatically use JsonView for json format * Task #90800: Centralize CgiServer check in Environment API * Bug #90801: PHP errors when creating a new IRRE element on a new parent record * Task #90803: Mark ObjectManager::get deprecated * Task #90813: Decouple BackendLayoutRenderer/RecordRememberer from BackendLayout * Task #90816: Remove unused code related to internal_type=file * Bug #90819: Existing page module hooks cannot modify the row anymore * Bug #90822: Parameter $controllerName in method uriFor of UriBuilder cannot be passed in a correct format * Feature #90826: Compare BE usergroups * Task #90833: Remove dead code in Indexed Search * Bug #90834: Backend layout in own modules broken * Task #90839: Streamline BackendLayout API class * Bug #90851: Move ArrayBrowser to EXT:backend * Bug #90852: Not all sizes of dashboard widget work * Task #90853: Streamline TSFE internal code * Task #90856: Deprecate ViewHelper * Task #90858: Clean up drawing configuration for Fluid-based page module * Task #90861: Move image-related code from cObj to IMAGE * Bug #90863: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given * Bug #90864: Dashboard not visible in "Start up in the following module" * Bug #90865: Rename dashboard widgets und items * Task #90868: Make attributes in AssetCollector optional * Bug #90869: "Import selection" in element browser is not disabled if nothing is selected * Task #90870: Add phpdoc to AssetCollector::add*() functions * Task #90871: Change AssetCollector ViewHelpers attributes async, defer, nomodule, disabled to boolean * Bug #90875: Dependency check in Extension Manager is broken * Bug #90878: Editors with no page delete permissions can't delete content elements * Bug #90888: invalid phpdoc argument description * Task #90889: Remove unused internal code * Bug #90892: Re-enable dynamic resolving of view objects * Bug #90896: CallUserFunction is used for calls to BackendLayoutView * Bug #90900: TypeError: "trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given" in ConstantConfigurationParser * Task #90902: Update symfony packages to latest releases for tarball distributions * Bug #90906: Custom preview is rendered after fluid preview in Page Module * Task #90914: Improve deprecation messages in ExtensionUtility * Feature #90917: Replace TypoScript with YAML to use open standards * Task #90920: Separate configuration into hooks for Indexer * Task #90923: Install Tool: Upgrade Doc: add link to rendered rST version on docs.typo3.org * Bug #90927: Hook is_used is not implemented * Task #90928: Migrate checkPidArray into PageRepository * Task #90937: Deprecate various hooks in ContentObjectRenderer * Task #90938: Extract install tool session handler into SessionHandler API * Task #90956: Deprecate alternative fetch methods for GeneralUtility::getUrl() * Bug #90960: Arguments not passed to Header and Footer partials in Fluid-based replacement for PageLayoutView * Task #90964: Deprecate logic in LanguageService * Feature #90968: Allowed PURGE TYPO3\CMS\Core\Http\Request * Bug #90970: FilesProcessor ignores 'as' parameter * Bug #90972: Not possible to close modular window in install tool * Bug #90975: Fix typo in doktype check * Bug #90978: BE Login: Layout broken when LoginProviders are registerd * Bug #91000: Remove AssetRenderer type=text/javascript default for JavaScript * Task #91001: Deprecate various GeneralUtility methods * Task #91002: Remove internal Extbase Object Container code * Bug #91004: Felogin (extbase) storagePid missing startpid when recursive is set * Bug #91005: {actionUri} in felogin (extbase) Logout.html always empty * Bug #91007: Configuration -> PSR-14 Search yields error * Feature #91008: Add grouping and sorting for TCA select items * Task #91009: PSR-12: Use declare(strict_types=1) without spaces * Task #91012: Deprecate various hooks related to TypoScriptFrontendController * Task #91014: Autofocus search field in content element filter * Task #91019: Clean up ExtensionService in Extbase * Task #91020: PSR-12: Add empty lines at the beginning of PHP files * Bug #91022: DataHandler->remapListedDBRecords_procInline should avoid array_map * Bug #91023: Felogin (extbase) login/logout confirmed events not fired when redirects are done * Task #91024: Set php header comment via php-cs-fixer * Task #91026: PSR-12: Add unified new statements and argument spacing * Bug #91027: ExtensionScanner TypeError in extensionScannerMarkFullyScannedRestFiles due to incorrect parsing of Index.rst files * Bug #91028: Startup module option: First module in menu not working anymore * Task #91030: Deprecate runtime activated packages * Bug #91031: Extension icons in the EM have the extension title as alt attribute * Task #91033: apply new CGL to commits after PSR-12 change * Task #91035: Wrong height of Type of Users Dashboard widget * Task #91051: Some widgets still use a private function to generate the button from the buttonProvider * Bug #91053: Test classes have wrong PHP namespace * Task #91054: CGL: Include all classes via use statements in ext:core * Bug #91055: Some Widget template are missing the closing tag * Bug #91056: The template for the listWidget is missing the footer block which includes the defined button * Task #91059: Disable rector auto_import_names for ServiceProviders * Bug #91060: Non-admin Backend users cannot delete records * Task #91065: Use more specific type annotations for array parameters/return types in GeneralUtitility * Task #91066: Cleanup / review comments of dashboard * Bug #91067: InstallTool Mailtest throws an error when sending mails via SMTP * Task #91072: Replace web animations polyfill * Bug #91073: Install Tool: Check TCA action does not provide symfony container when loading ext_localconf files * Task #91079: Mark various functionality in TSFE internal * Feature #91080: Populate site settings to TypoScript constants * Feature #91081: Populate site settings to TSconfig * Bug #91088: Uncaught UnableToLinkToPageException in view module * Task #91091: Adapt RST for Switchable Controller Actions * Bug #91093: Mark internal API in Dashboard * Bug #91094: Duplicating forms in form module is broken * Task #91095: Mark various code related to Backend user / DataHandler internal * Task #91100: No need for additional classes to initialise charts in dashboard widget * Bug #91103: Fix some typos in the code * Bug #91107: InstallTool Login Mail causes Exception when using a custom backend login logo * Task #91108: Make code of EXT:dashboard consistent with other system * Bug #91112: Wrong PHPDoc for dashboards ButtonProvider * Bug #91113: Fix paths to AJAX urls of Dashboard * Bug #91114: InstallTool: Symfony Container is used to clear its own caches * Task #91118: Fix Changelog 89463 - Switchable Controller Actions * Bug #91126: [EA] The operation results to '(int)$page['doktype']', please add missing parentheses. * Bug #91128: PHP Catchable Fatal Error: Object of class PhpParser\Node\Expr\PropertyFetch could not be converted to string * Bug #91129: Tab id in "Add Widget" not unique * Bug #91131: Recycler tries to fetch site configuration * Bug #91144: Copying records in pid 0 is not possible anymore * Bug #91145: Avoid 500 error for non-admins in pagetree * Bug #91147: Fluid page module throws exception if backend user can't see any pages * Bug #91152: `available_widgets` in be_groups is broken * Task #91153: Declare Fluid-based Page Module components internal