


Bug #30918 » class.tx_em_tools.php

Oliver Salzburg, 2012-02-20 13:44

/* **************************************************************
* Copyright notice
* (c)
* (c) 2006-2010 Karsten Dambekalns <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
* from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
* class.tx_em_tools.php

* Static tools for extension manager
* Some of them should be moved later to t3lib static libraries
final class tx_em_Tools {

* Keeps default categories.
* @var array
protected static $defaultCategories = array(
'be' => 0,
'module' => 1,
'fe' => 2,
'plugin' => 3,
'misc' => 4,
'services' => 5,
'templates' => 6,
'doc' => 8,
'example' => 9,
* Keeps default states.
* @var array
protected static $defaultStates = array(
'alpha' => 0,
'beta' => 1,
'stable' => 2,
'experimental' => 3,
'test' => 4,
'obsolete' => 5,
'excludeFromUpdates' => 6,
'n/a' => 999,

* Colors for states
* @var array
protected static $stateColors = array(
'alpha' => '#d12438',
'beta' => '#97b17e',
'stable' => '#3bb65c',
'experimental' => '#007eba',
'test' => '#979797',
'obsolete' => '#000000',
'excludeFromUpdates' => '#cf7307'

* Gets the stateColor array
* @static
* @return array
public static function getStateColors() {
return self::$stateColors;

* Unzips a zip file in the given path.
* Uses unzip binary if available, otherwise a pure PHP unzip is used.
* @param string $file Full path to zip file
* @param string $path Path to change to before extracting
* @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE in failure
public static function unzip($file, $path) {
$unzipPath = trim($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['unzip_path']);
if (FALSE && strlen($unzipPath)) {
if (substr($unzipPath, -1) !== '/' && is_dir($unzipPath)) {
// Make sure the path ends with a slash
$unzipPath.= '/';

// for compatiblity reasons, we have to accept the full path of the unzip command
// or the directory containing the unzip binary
if (substr($unzipPath, -1) === '/') {
$cmd = $unzipPath . 'unzip -o ' . escapeshellarg($file);
} else {
$cmd = $unzipPath . ' -o ' . escapeshellarg($file);
t3lib_utility_Command::exec($cmd, $list, $ret);
return ($ret === 0);
} else if( class_exists( "ZipArchive" ) ) {
// Do we have the ZipArchive class available to us?
$zipFile = new ZipArchive();
$zipResource = $zipFile->open( $file );
if( TRUE === $zipResource ) {
$zipFile->extractTo( $path );
return ( TRUE === $zipResource );

} else if( function_exists( "zip_open" ) ) {
// Do we have the zip_open() function available to us?
$zipFile = zip_open( $file );
if( is_resource( $zipFile ) ) {
while( $zipEntry = zip_read( $zipFile ) ) {
$outputFileName = $path . "/" . zip_entry_name( $zipEntry );
// Create directory
$outputPath = dirname( $outputFileName );
t3lib_div::mkdir_deep( "/", $outputPath );
$filePointer = fopen( $outputFileName, "w" );
if( is_resource( $filePointer ) ) {
if( zip_entry_open( $zipFile, $zipEntry ) ) {
$buffer = zip_entry_read( $zipEntry );
fwrite( $filePointer, $buffer );
zip_entry_close( $zipEntry );
} else return FALSE;
} else return FALSE;
zip_close( $zipFile );
return TRUE;
} else {
// we use a pure PHP unzip
$unzip = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_em_Tools_Unzip', $file);
$ret = $unzip->extract(array('add_path' => $path));
return (is_array($ret));

* Refreshes the global extension list
* @return void
public static function refreshGlobalExtList() {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_LOADED_EXT'] = t3lib_extMgm::typo3_loadExtensions();
require(PATH_typo3conf . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_LOADED_EXT']['_CACHEFILE'] . '_ext_localconf.php');
} else {
foreach ($temp_TYPO3_LOADED_EXT as $_EXTKEY => $temp_lEDat) {
if (is_array($temp_lEDat) && $temp_lEDat['ext_localconf.php']) {
// Make sure $TYPO3_CONF_VARS is also available within the included files
global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;

* Set category array entries for extension
* @param array Category index array
* @param array Part of list array for extension.
* @param string Extension key
* @return array Modified category index array
public static function setCat(&$cat, $listArrayPart, $extKey) {

// Getting extension title:
$extTitle = $listArrayPart['EM_CONF']['title'];

// Category index:
$index = $listArrayPart['EM_CONF']['category'];
$cat['cat'][$index][$extKey] = $extTitle;

// Author index:
$index = $listArrayPart['EM_CONF']['author'] . ($listArrayPart['EM_CONF']['author_company'] ? ', ' . $listArrayPart['EM_CONF']['author_company'] : '');
$cat['author_company'][$index][$extKey] = $extTitle;

// State index:
$index = $listArrayPart['EM_CONF']['state'];
$cat['state'][$index][$extKey] = $extTitle;

// Type index:
$index = $listArrayPart['type'];
$cat['type'][$index][$extKey] = $extTitle;

// Return categories:
return $cat;

* Returns upload folder for extension
* @param string Extension key
* @return string Upload folder for extension
public static function uploadFolder($extKey) {
return 'uploads/tx_' . str_replace('_', '', $extKey) . '/';

* Returns image tag for "uninstall"
* @return string <img> tag
public static function removeButton() {
return t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIcon('actions-system-extension-uninstall', array('title' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('ext_details_remove_ext')));

* Returns image for "install"
* @return string <img> tag
public static function installButton() {
return t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIcon('actions-system-extension-install', array('title' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('helperFunction_install_extension')));

* Warning (<img> + text string) message about the impossibility to import extensions (both local and global locations are disabled...)
* @return string <img> + text string.
public static function noImportMsg() {
return t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIcon('status-dialog-warning') .
'<strong>' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('helperFunction_import_not_possible') . '</strong>';

* Fixes an old style ext_emconf.php array by adding constraints if needed and removing deprecated keys
* @param array $emConf
* @return array
public static function fixEMCONF($emConf) {
if (!isset($emConf['constraints']) || !isset($emConf['constraints']['depends']) || !isset($emConf['constraints']['conflicts']) || !isset($emConf['constraints']['suggests'])) {
if (!isset($emConf['constraints']) || !isset($emConf['constraints']['depends'])) {
$emConf['constraints']['depends'] = self::stringToDep($emConf['dependencies']);
if (strlen($emConf['PHP_version'])) {
$versionRange = self::splitVersionRange($emConf['PHP_version']);
if (version_compare($versionRange[0], '3.0.0', '<')) {
$versionRange[0] = '3.0.0';
if (version_compare($versionRange[1], '3.0.0', '<')) {
$versionRange[1] = '0.0.0';
$emConf['constraints']['depends']['php'] = implode('-', $versionRange);
if (strlen($emConf['TYPO3_version'])) {
$versionRange = self::splitVersionRange($emConf['TYPO3_version']);
if (version_compare($versionRange[0], '3.5.0', '<')) {
$versionRange[0] = '3.5.0';
if (version_compare($versionRange[1], '3.5.0', '<')) {
$versionRange[1] = '0.0.0';
$emConf['constraints']['depends']['typo3'] = implode('-', $versionRange);
if (!isset($emConf['constraints']) || !isset($emConf['constraints']['conflicts'])) {
$emConf['constraints']['conflicts'] = self::stringToDep($emConf['conflicts']);
if (!isset($emConf['constraints']) || !isset($emConf['constraints']['suggests'])) {
$emConf['constraints']['suggests'] = array();
} elseif (isset($emConf['constraints']) && isset($emConf['dependencies'])) {
$emConf['suggests'] = isset($emConf['suggests']) ? $emConf['suggests'] : array();
$emConf['dependencies'] = self::depToString($emConf['constraints']);
$emConf['conflicts'] = self::depToString($emConf['constraints'], 'conflicts');

// sanity check for version numbers, intentionally only checks php and typo3
if (isset($emConf['constraints']['depends']) && isset($emConf['constraints']['depends']['php'])) {
$versionRange = self::splitVersionRange($emConf['constraints']['depends']['php']);
if (version_compare($versionRange[0], '3.0.0', '<')) {
$versionRange[0] = '3.0.0';
if (version_compare($versionRange[1], '3.0.0', '<')) {
$versionRange[1] = '0.0.0';
$emConf['constraints']['depends']['php'] = implode('-', $versionRange);
if (isset($emConf['constraints']['depends']) && isset($emConf['constraints']['depends']['typo3'])) {
$versionRange = self::splitVersionRange($emConf['constraints']['depends']['typo3']);
if (version_compare($versionRange[0], '3.5.0', '<')) {
$versionRange[0] = '3.5.0';
if (version_compare($versionRange[1], '3.5.0', '<')) {
$versionRange[1] = '0.0.0';
$emConf['constraints']['depends']['typo3'] = implode('-', $versionRange);


return $emConf;

* Returns the $EM_CONF array from an extensions ext_emconf.php file
* @param string Absolute path to EMCONF file.
* @param string Extension key.
* @return array EMconf array values.
public static function includeEMCONF($path, $_EXTKEY) {
if (is_array($EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY])) {
return self::fixEMCONF($EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY]);
return FALSE;

* Extracts the directories in the $files array
* @param array Array of files / directories
* @return array Array of directories from the input array.
public static function extractDirsFromFileList($files) {
$dirs = array();

if (is_array($files)) {
// Traverse files / directories array:
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (substr($file, -1) == '/') {
$dirs[$file] = $file;
} else {
$pI = pathinfo($file);
if (strcmp($pI['dirname'], '') && strcmp($pI['dirname'], '.')) {
$dirs[$pI['dirname'] . '/'] = $pI['dirname'] . '/';
return $dirs;

* Splits a version range into an array.
* If a single version number is given, it is considered a minimum value.
* If a dash is found, the numbers left and right are considered as minimum and maximum. Empty values are allowed.
* @param string $ver A string with a version range.
* @return array
public static function splitVersionRange($ver) {
$versionRange = array();
if (strstr($ver, '-')) {
$versionRange = explode('-', $ver, 2);
} else {
$versionRange[0] = $ver;
$versionRange[1] = '';

if (!$versionRange[0]) {
$versionRange[0] = '0.0.0';
if (!$versionRange[1]) {
$versionRange[1] = '0.0.0';

return $versionRange;

* Checks whether the passed dependency is TER2-style (array) and returns a single string for displaying the dependencies.
* It leaves out all version numbers and the "php" and "typo3" dependencies, as they are implicit and of no interest without the version number.
* @param mixed $dep Either a string or an array listing dependencies.
* @param string $type The dependency type to list if $dep is an array
* @return string A simple dependency list for display
public static function depToString($dep, $type = 'depends') {
if (is_array($dep)) {
$s = (count($dep[$type])) ? implode(',', array_keys($dep[$type])) : '';
return $s;
return '';

* Checks whether the passed dependency is TER-style (string) or TER2-style (array) and returns a single string for displaying the dependencies.
* It leaves out all version numbers and the "php" and "typo3" dependencies, as they are implicit and of no interest without the version number.
* @param mixed $dep Either a string or an array listing dependencies.
* @param string $type The dependency type to list if $dep is an array
* @return string A simple dependency list for display
public static function stringToDep($dep) {
$constraint = array();
if (is_string($dep) && strlen($dep)) {
$dep = explode(',', $dep);
foreach ($dep as $v) {
$constraint[$v] = '';
return $constraint;

* Returns version information
* @param string Version code, x.x.x
* @param string part: "", "int", "main", "sub", "dev"
* @return string
* @see renderVersion()
public static function makeVersion($v, $mode) {
$vDat = self::renderVersion($v);
return $vDat['version_' . $mode];

* Parses the version number x.x.x and returns an array with the various parts.
* @param string Version code, x.x.x
* @param string Increase version part: "main", "sub", "dev"
* @return string
public static function renderVersion($v, $raise = '') {
$parts = t3lib_div::intExplode('.', $v . '..');
$parts[0] = t3lib_utility_Math::forceIntegerInRange($parts[0], 0, 999);
$parts[1] = t3lib_utility_Math::forceIntegerInRange($parts[1], 0, 999);
$parts[2] = t3lib_utility_Math::forceIntegerInRange($parts[2], 0, 999);

switch ((string) $raise) {
case 'main':
$parts[1] = 0;
$parts[2] = 0;
case 'sub':
$parts[2] = 0;
case 'dev':

$res = array();
$res['version'] = $parts[0] . '.' . $parts[1] . '.' . $parts[2];
$res['version_int'] = intval($parts[0] * 1000000 + $parts[1] * 1000 + $parts[2]);
$res['version_main'] = $parts[0];
$res['version_sub'] = $parts[1];
$res['version_dev'] = $parts[2];

return $res;

* Render version from intVersion
* @static
* @param int $intVersion
* @return string version
public static function versionFromInt($intVersion) {
$versionString = str_pad($intVersion, 9, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$parts = array(
substr($versionString, 0, 3),
substr($versionString, 3, 3),
substr($versionString, 6, 3)
return intval($parts[0]) . '.' . intval($parts[1]) . '.' . intval($parts[2]);

* Evaluates differences in version numbers with three parts, x.x.x. Returns TRUE if $v1 is greater than $v2
* @param string Version number 1
* @param string Version number 2
* @param integer Tolerance factor. For instance, set to 1000 to ignore difference in dev-version (third part)
* @return boolean TRUE if version 1 is greater than version 2
public static function versionDifference($v1, $v2, $div = 1) {
return floor(self::makeVersion($v1, 'int') / $div) > floor(self::makeVersion($v2, 'int') / $div);

* Returns TRUE if the $str is found as the first part of a string in $array
* @param string String to test with.
* @param array Input array
* @param boolean If set, the test is case insensitive
* @return boolean TRUE if found.
public static function first_in_array($str, $array, $caseInsensitive = FALSE) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
$str = strtolower($str);
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $cl) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
$cl = strtolower($cl);
if (t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($cl, $str)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

* Compares two arrays with MD5-hash values for analysis of which files has changed.
* @param array Current values
* @param array Past values
* @return array Affected files
public static function findMD5ArrayDiff($current, $past) {
if (!is_array($current)) {
$current = array();
if (!is_array($past)) {
$past = array();
$filesInCommon = array_intersect($current, $past);
$diff1 = array_keys(array_diff($past, $filesInCommon));
$diff2 = array_keys(array_diff($current, $filesInCommon));
$affectedFiles = array_unique(array_merge($diff1, $diff2));
return $affectedFiles;

* Returns title and style attribute for mouseover help text.
* @param string Help text.
* @return string title="" attribute prepended with a single space
public static function labelInfo($str) {
return ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($str) . '" style="cursor:help;"';

* Returns the absolute path where the extension $extKey is installed (based on 'type' (SGL))
* @param string Extension key
* @param string Install scope type: L, G, S
* @return string Returns the absolute path to the install scope given by input $type variable. It is checked if the path is a directory. Slash is appended.
public static function getExtPath($extKey, $type, $returnWithoutExtKey = FALSE) {
$typePath = self::typePath($type);

if ($typePath) {
$path = $typePath . ($returnWithoutExtKey ? '' : $extKey . '/');
return $path; # @is_dir($path) ? $path : '';
} else {
return '';

* Get type of extension (G,S,L) from extension path
* @param string $path
public static function getExtTypeFromPath($path) {
if (strpos($path, TYPO3_mainDir . 'sysext/') !== FALSE) {
return 'S';
} elseif (strpos($path, TYPO3_mainDir . 'ext/') !== FALSE) {
return 'G';
} elseif (strpos($path, 'typo3conf/ext/') !== FALSE) {
return 'L';

* Get path from type
* @param string $type S/G/L
public static function typePath($type) {
if ($type === 'S') {
return PATH_typo3 . 'sysext/';
} elseif ($type === 'G') {
return PATH_typo3 . 'ext/';
} elseif ($type === 'L') {
return PATH_typo3conf . 'ext/';

* Get relative path from type
* @param string $type S/G/L
public static function typeRelPath($type) {
if ($type === 'S') {
return 'sysext/';
} elseif ($type === 'G') {
return 'ext/';
} elseif ($type === 'L') {
return '../typo3conf/ext/';

* Get backpath from type
* @param string $type S/G/L
public static function typeBackPath($type) {
if ($type === 'L') {
return '../../../../' . TYPO3_mainDir;
} else {
return '../../../';

* Reads locallang file into array (for possible include in header)
* @param $file
* @return array
* @deprecated since TYPO3 4.5.1, will be removed in TYPO3 4.7 - use pageRenderer->addInlineLanguageLabelFile() instead
public static function getArrayFromLocallang($file, $key = 'default') {
$content = t3lib_div::getUrl($file);
$array = t3lib_div::xml2array($content);

return $array['data'][$key];

* Include a locallang file and return the $LOCAL_LANG array serialized.
* @param string Absolute path to locallang file to include.
* @param string Old content of a locallang file (keeping the header content)
* @return array Array with header/content as key 0/1
* @see makeUploadarray()
public static function getSerializedLocalLang($file, $content) {
$returnParts = explode('$LOCAL_LANG', $content, 2);

if (is_array($LOCAL_LANG)) {
$returnParts[1] = serialize($LOCAL_LANG);
return $returnParts;
} else {
return array();

* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $array
* @param unknown_type $lines
* @param unknown_type $level
* @return unknown
public static function arrayToCode($array, $level = 0) {
$lines = 'array(' . LF;
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
if (strlen($k) && is_array($v)) {
$lines .= str_repeat(TAB, $level) . "'" . $k . "' => " . self::arrayToCode($v, $level);
} elseif (strlen($k)) {
$lines .= str_repeat(TAB, $level) . "'" . $k . "' => " . (t3lib_utility_Math::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($v) ? intval($v) : "'" . t3lib_div::slashJS(trim($v), 1) . "'") . ',' . LF;

$lines .= str_repeat(TAB, $level - 1) . ')' . ($level - 1 == 0 ? '' : ',' . LF);
return $lines;

* Traverse the array of installed extensions keys and arranges extensions in the priority order they should be in
* @param array Array of extension keys as values
* @param array Extension information array
* @return array Modified array of extention keys as values
* @see addExtToList()
public static function managesPriorities($listArr, $instExtInfo) {

// Initialize:
$levels = array(
'top' => array(),
'middle' => array(),
'bottom' => array(),

// Traverse list of extensions:
foreach ($listArr as $ext) {
$prio = trim($instExtInfo[$ext]['EM_CONF']['priority']);
switch ((string) $prio) {
case 'top':
case 'bottom':
$levels[$prio][] = $ext;
$levels['middle'][] = $ext;
return array_merge(

* Returns either array with all default categories or index/title
* of a category entry.
* @access public
* @param mixed $cat category title or category index
* @return mixed
public static function getDefaultCategory($cat = NULL) {
if (is_null($cat)) {
return self::$defaultCategories;
} else {
if (is_string($cat)) {
// default category
$catIndex = 4;
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($cat), self::$defaultCategories)) {
$catIndex = self::$defaultCategories[strtolower($cat)];
return $catIndex;
} else {
if (is_int($cat) && $cat >= 0) {
$catTitle = array_search($cat, self::$defaultCategories);
// default category
if (!$catTitle) {
$catTitle = 'misc';
return $catTitle;

* Returns either array with all default states or index/title
* of a state entry.
* @access public
* @param mixed $state state title or state index
* @return mixed
public static function getDefaultState($state = NULL) {
if (is_null($state)) {
return self::$defaultStates;
} else {
if (is_string($state)) {
// default state
$stateIndex = 999;
if (array_key_exists(strtolower($state), self::$defaultStates)) {
$stateIndex = self::$defaultStates[strtolower($state)];
return $stateIndex;
} else {
if (is_int($state) && $state >= 0) {
$stateTitle = array_search($state, self::$defaultStates);
// default state
if (!$stateTitle) {
$stateTitle = 'n/a';
return $stateTitle;

* Extension States
* Content must be redundant with the same internal variable as in class.tx_extrep.php!
* @static
* @return array
public static function getStates() {
return array(
'alpha' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:em/language/locallang.xml:state_alpha'),
'beta' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:em/language/locallang.xml:state_beta'),
'stable' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:em/language/locallang.xml:state_stable'),
'experimental' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:em/language/locallang.xml:state_experimental'),
'test' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:em/language/locallang.xml:state_test'),
'obsolete' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:em/language/locallang.xml:state_obsolete'),
'excludeFromUpdates' => $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:em/language/locallang.xml:state_exclude_from_updates')

* Reports back if installation in a certain scope is possible.
* @param string Scope: G, L, S
* @param string Extension lock-type (eg. "L" or "G")
* @return boolean TRUE if installation is allowed.
public static function importAsType($type, $lockType = '') {
switch ($type) {
case 'G':
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['allowGlobalInstall'] && (!$lockType || !strcmp($lockType, $type));
case 'L':
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['allowLocalInstall'] && (!$lockType || !strcmp($lockType, $type));
case 'S':
return isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['allowSystemInstall']) && $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['allowSystemInstall'];
return FALSE;

* Returns TRUE if extensions in scope, $type, can be deleted (or installed for that sake)
* @param string Scope: "G" or "L"
* @return boolean TRUE if possible.
public static function deleteAsType($type) {
switch ($type) {
case 'G':
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['allowGlobalInstall'];
case 'L':
return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['allowLocalInstall'];
return FALSE;

* Creates directories in $extDirPath
* @param array Array of directories to create relative to extDirPath, eg. "blabla", "blabla/blabla" etc...
* @param string Absolute path to directory.
* @return mixed Returns FALSE on success or an error string
public static function createDirsInPath($dirs, $extDirPath) {
if (is_array($dirs)) {
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$error = t3lib_div::mkdir_deep($extDirPath, $dir);
if ($error) {
return $error;

return FALSE;

* Analyses the php-scripts of an available extension on server
* @param string Absolute path to extension
* @param string Prefix for tables/classes.
* @param string Extension key
* @return array Information array.
* @see makeDetailedExtensionAnalysis()
public static function getClassIndexLocallangFiles($absPath, $table_class_prefix, $extKey) {
$excludeForPackaging = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['excludeForPackaging'];
$filesInside = t3lib_div::removePrefixPathFromList(t3lib_div::getAllFilesAndFoldersInPath(array(), $absPath, 'php,inc', 0, 99, $excludeForPackaging), $absPath);
$out = array();
$reg = array();

foreach ($filesInside as $fileName) {
if (substr($fileName, 0, 4) != 'ext_' && substr($fileName, 0, 6) != 'tests/') { // ignore supposed-to-be unit tests as well
$baseName = basename($fileName);
if (substr($baseName, 0, 9) == 'locallang' && substr($baseName, -4) == '.php') {
$out['locallang'][] = $fileName;
} elseif ($baseName != 'conf.php') {
if (filesize($absPath . $fileName) < 500 * 1024) {
$fContent = t3lib_div::getUrl($absPath . $fileName);
if (preg_match('/\n[[:space:]]*class[[:space:]]*([[:alnum:]_]+)([[:alnum:][:space:]_]*)/', $fContent, $reg)) {

// Find classes:
$lines = explode(LF, $fContent);
foreach ($lines as $l) {
$line = trim($l);
if (preg_match('/^class[[:space:]]*([[:alnum:]_]+)([[:alnum:][:space:]_]*)/', $line, $reg)) {
$out['classes'][] = $reg[1];
$out['files'][$fileName]['classes'][] = $reg[1];
if ($reg[1] !== 'ext_update' && substr($reg[1], 0, 3) != 'ux_' && !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($reg[1], $table_class_prefix) && strcmp(substr($table_class_prefix, 0, -1), $reg[1])) {
$out['NSerrors']['classname'][] = $reg[1];
} else {
$out['NSok']['classname'][] = $reg[1];
// If class file prefixed 'class.'....
if (substr($baseName, 0, 6) == 'class.') {
$fI = pathinfo($baseName);
$testName = substr($baseName, 6, -(1 + strlen($fI['extension'])));
if ($testName !== 'ext_update' && substr($testName, 0, 3) != 'ux_' && !t3lib_div::isFirstPartOfStr($testName, $table_class_prefix) && strcmp(substr($table_class_prefix, 0, -1), $testName)) {
$out['NSerrors']['classfilename'][] = $baseName;
} else {
$out['NSok']['classfilename'][] = $baseName;
if (is_array($out['files'][$fileName]['classes']) && tx_em_Tools::first_in_array($testName, $out['files'][$fileName]['classes'], 1)) {
$out['msg'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_class_ok'),
$fileName, $testName
} else {
$out['errors'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_class_not_ok'),
$fileName, $testName
// Check for proper XCLASS definition
// Match $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS'] with single or doublequotes
$XclassSearch = '\$TYPO3_CONF_VARS\[TYPO3_MODE\]\[[\'"]XCLASS[\'"]\]';
$XclassParts = preg_split('/if \(defined\([\'"]TYPO3_MODE[\'"]\)(.*)' . $XclassSearch . '/', $fContent, 2);
if (count($XclassParts) !== 2) {
// Match $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS'] with single or doublequotes
$XclassSearch = '\$GLOBALS\[[\'"]TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'"]\]\[TYPO3_MODE\]\[[\'"]XCLASS[\'"]\]';
$XclassParts = preg_split('/if \(defined\([\'"]TYPO3_MODE[\'"]\)(.*)' . $XclassSearch . '/', $fContent, 2);

if (count($XclassParts) == 2) {
preg_match('/^\[[\'"]([[:alnum:]_\/\.]*)[\'"]\]/', $XclassParts[1], $reg);
if ($reg[1]) {
$cmpF = 'ext/' . $extKey . '/' . $fileName;
if (!strcmp($reg[1], $cmpF)) {
if (preg_match('/_once[[:space:]]*\(' . $XclassSearch . '\[[\'"]' . preg_quote($cmpF, '/') . '[\'"]\]\);/', $XclassParts[1])) {
$out['msg'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_xclass_ok'), $fileName);
} else {
$out['errors'][] = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_xclass_no_include');
} else {
$out['errors'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_xclass_incorrect'),
$reg[1], $cmpF
} else {
$out['errors'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_no_xclass_filename'), $fileName);
} elseif (!tx_em_Tools::first_in_array('ux_', $out['files'][$fileName]['classes'])) {
// No Xclass definition required if classname starts with 'ux_'
$out['errors'][] = sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('detailedExtAnalysis_no_xclass_found'), $fileName);
return $out;

* Write new TYPO3_MOD_PATH to "conf.php" file.
* @param string Absolute path to a "conf.php" file of the backend module which we want to write back to.
* @param string Install scope type: L, G, S
* @param string Relative path for the module folder in extension
* @return string Returns message about the status.
* @see modConfFileAnalysis()
public static function writeTYPO3_MOD_PATH($confFilePath, $type, $mP) {
$lines = explode(LF, t3lib_div::getUrl($confFilePath));
$confFileInfo = array();
$confFileInfo['lines'] = $lines;
$reg = array();

$flag_M = 0;
$flag_B = 0;
$flag_Dispatch = 0;

foreach ($lines as $k => $l) {
$line = trim($l);

if (preg_match('/^define[[:space:]]*\([[:space:]]*["\']TYPO3_MOD_PATH["\'][[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*["\']([[:alnum:]_\/\.]+)["\'][[:space:]]*\)[[:space:]]*;/', $line, $reg)) {
$lines[$k] = str_replace($reg[0], 'define(\'TYPO3_MOD_PATH\', \'' . self::typeRelPath($type) . $mP . '\');', $lines[$k]);
$flag_M = $k + 1;

if (preg_match('/^\$BACK_PATH[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*["\']([[:alnum:]_\/\.]+)["\'][[:space:]]*;/', $line, $reg)) {
$lines[$k] = str_replace($reg[0], '$BACK_PATH=\'' . self::typeBackPath($type) . '\';', $lines[$k]);
$flag_B = $k + 1;

// Check if this module uses new API (see
// where TYPO3_MOD_PATH and BACK_PATH are not required
if (preg_match('/^\$MCONF\[["\']script["\']\][[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*["\']_DISPATCH["\'][[:space:]]*;/', $line, $reg)) {
$flag_Dispatch = $k + 1;


if ($flag_B && $flag_M) {
t3lib_div::writeFile($confFilePath, implode(LF, $lines));
return sprintf($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('writeModPath_ok'),
substr($confFilePath, strlen(PATH_site)));
} elseif ($flag_Dispatch) {
return sprintf(
substr($confFilePath, strlen(PATH_site))
} else {
return self::rfw(

* Sends content of file for download
* @static
* @param $path
* @return void
public static function sendFile($path) {
$path = t3lib_div::resolveBackPath(PATH_site . $path);

if (is_file($path) && is_readable($path) && t3lib_div::isAllowedAbsPath($path)) {
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename($path));

* Rename a file / folder
* @static
* @param $file
* @param $newName
* @return bool
public static function renameFile($file, $newName) {
if($file[0] == '/') {
$file = substr($file, 1);
if($newName[0] == '/') {
$newName = substr($newName, 1);

$file = t3lib_div::resolveBackPath(PATH_site . $file);
$newName = t3lib_div::resolveBackPath(PATH_site . $newName);
if (is_writable($file) && t3lib_div::isAllowedAbsPath($file) && t3lib_div::isAllowedAbsPath($newName)) {
return rename($file, $newName);

return FALSE;

* Creates a new file
* Returns an array with
* 0: boolean success
* 1: string absolute path of written file/folder
* 2: error code
* The error code returns
* 0: no error
* -1: not writable
* -2: not allowed path
* -3: already exists
* -4: not able to create
* @static
* @param $folder
* @param $file
* @param $isFolder
* @return array
public static function createNewFile($folder, $file, $isFolder) {
$success = FALSE;
$error = 0;

if (substr($folder, -1) !== '/') {
$folder .= '/';

$newFile = t3lib_div::resolveBackPath(PATH_site . $folder . $file);

if (!is_writable(dirname($newFile))) {
$error = -1;
} elseif (!t3lib_div::isAllowedAbsPath($newFile)) {
$error = -2;
} elseif (file_exists($newFile)) {
$error = -3;
} else {
if ($isFolder) {
$success = t3lib_div::mkdir($newFile);
} else {
$success = t3lib_div::writeFile($newFile, '');

if (!$success) {
$error = -4;

return array(

* Wrapping input string in a link tag with link to email address
* @param string Input string, being wrapped in <a> tags
* @param string Email address for use in link.
* @return string Output
public static function wrapEmail($str, $email) {
if ($email) {
$str = '<a href="mailto:' . htmlspecialchars($email) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($str) . '</a>';
return $str;

* red-fontwrap. Returns the string wrapped in a <span>-tag defining the color to be red
* @param string Input string
* @return string Output string
public static function rfw($string) {
return '<span class="typo3-red">' . $string . '</span>';

* dimmed-fontwrap. Returns the string wrapped in a <span>-tag defining the color to be gray/dimmed
* @param string Input string
* @return string Output string
public static function dfw($string) {
return '<span class="typo3-dimmed">' . $string . '</span>';
