



Feature #14776


Ability to assign custom categories to downloaded extensions

Added by Jacob Floyd about 19 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Should have
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In the Extension Manger, I would like to assign customized categories to extensions (probably only the ones I've downloaded)

For me, what I would use this for is to create categories for a specific feature where there are multiple extensions that fill a requirement, then each of those extensions would be assigned that 'feature category'.

I have sites where I won't be managing them for the most part, just setting them up. However, I don't want to install every extension under the sun because that slows things down (ever so slightly, but noticeably) and makes the back end a little over whelming. I would rather have someone ask for a feature, say flash, and me give instructions to choose one of the extensions in the 'flash content type' category, instead of me installing all of them.

This would also allow me, personally, to scan through the extensions for the one I need faster, thus getting my work done sooner, so I can move on to the next site I administer.
(issue imported from #M1138)

Actions #1

Updated by Michael Scharkow about 19 years ago

I don't see a need for this: You should browse through extensions on rather than EM. If you need to give someone else a detailed instruction (and this would IMHO be "Install ext_my_stuff" and not "choose some calendar extension from the calendar category". For this, you can explicitly download ext_my_stuff in the EM without getting to see the horrible list.

If you just need to organize which exts to use, you can surely do this with pen and paper, or in some advanced way with notepad or even vi.

BTW, TER 2 will have more and better categories but this is not really related to this issue...

Actions #2

Updated by Jacob Floyd about 18 years ago

This should probably be closed. I'll do a little research to see what TER2 is supposed to have, and then either post some other suggestions or live with it. In either case, this particular feature request isn't exactly what I have in mind now.

Actions #3

Updated by Christian Kuhn over 15 years ago

Closed as requested by reporter.


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