



Bug #20292


After upgrade from4.2.1 to 4-2-6 RTE fails to load correct

Added by Arnold Gordijn about 15 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

Should have
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I'm trying to upgrade my system (win2003) the RTE misses all kind of buttons and text.

I made a copy of a running 421 site tested the rte upgraded to 426 and the rte fails. cheched all kind of things. but I cant figureout the issue.
enabled debug disabled srcipt compression

Window 2003 / PHP 5.2.9-1 Mysql 4.11 typo3 4.2.6
(issue imported from #M10868)


rte-179.jpg (371 KB) rte-179.jpg Administrator Admin, 2009-04-07 17:34
bug_10868_v1.diff (822 Bytes) bug_10868_v1.diff Administrator Admin, 2009-04-09 12:59
Actions #1

Updated by Peter Niederlag about 15 years ago

Didi you delete the cache/temporary files of your browser? 99,9% browser-cache is the issue with RTE not loading. Please also note there had been some issues with IE8. Are you using IE8?

Actions #2

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 15 years ago

The picture looks as if the RTE skin was not loaded.

Please try to clear the browser cache.

Actions #3

Updated by Thorsten Kahler about 15 years ago

When moving the <link> tags to the HTML head a title attribute ("HTMLArea RTE Skin") was added. This causes problems because the "title" attribute triggers alternative stylesheets in the browser. See HTML 4.0.1 standard [1].

If the title attribute(s) introduced in revision 4297 [2] were not set intentionally I'd suggest to remove them. From the description of bug #9516 it doesn't seem to be intentionally.


Actions #4

Updated by Thorsten Kahler about 15 years ago

I nearly forgot the workaround: select the correct stylesheet from your browser menu

Actions #5

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 15 years ago

Please test the patch attached to issue #10665.

Actions #6

Updated by Thorsten Kahler about 15 years ago

The patch for bug #10665 addresses and solves this issue.

Actions #7

Updated by Arnold Gordijn about 15 years ago

Sorry I had not time to work on it.
But finaly I found the issue and want to add the solution.

Is a wrong setting in the php.ini
the basedir was still on a other typo3 directory.
d:\inetpub\Typo3_4.2.1 while this is the d:\inetpub\typo3_4.2.6
So my own stupid mistake.
I found it because text/w pic was not showing any pictures.
that pointed me in the right direction.


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