



Bug #34173


Translation Handling: line breaks are removed from XML

Added by Sven Burkert over 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

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Extension Manager
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When I execute the Translation Handling in the Extension Manager and I have a look at the results, there is no line break in the XML files, e.g. for ext. felogin (taken from file typo3conf/l10n/de/felogin/pi1/de.locallang.xml):

<label index="ll_forgot_email_password">Ihr Passwort Hallo %s, Ihr Benutzername lautet "%s". Ihr Passwort ist "%s".</label>

The corresponding language label in english language (taken from file typo3/sysext/felogin/pi1/locallang.xml):

<label index="ll_forgot_email_password">Your password
Hi %s

Your username is &quot;%s&quot;
Your password is &quot;%s&quot;

It seems this error is a problem on the translation server, because in the downloaded zip archive (typo3temp/ the line breaks are also missing.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #36027: Localisation updates don't workClosedStefan Galinski2012-04-14

Actions #1

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted

On the translation server the linebreaks are completly fine. It seems they are lost on the client side.

Entry from the xlf file:

<trans-unit id="ll_forgot_email_password" xml:space="preserve" approved="yes">
      <target state="translated">Ihr Passwort Hallo %s, Ihr Benutzername lautet "%s". Ihr Passwort ist "%s".</target><alt-trans xml:space="preserve" origin="jkunze"><target>Ihr Passwort
Hallo %s,

Ihr Benutzername lautet "%s".
Ihr Passwort ist "%s".</target></alt-trans></trans-unit>
Actions #2

Updated by Jigal van Hemert over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Needs Feedback

Can you please check again by updating the translations? I just downloaded the German translation of felogin in the extension manager and all multi-line texts were as they should be: with line breaks.

Actions #3

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 12 years ago

Hmm... I have removed the whole l10n directory and refetched the translations. Afterwards the result was fine. Also the xlf file content has completely other content now. Does this fixes the issue for you too, Sven?

<trans-unit id="ll_forgot_email_password" xml:space="preserve" approved="yes">
        <source>Your password
Hi %s

Your username is "%s" 
Your password is "%s"</source>
      <target state="translated">Ihr Passwort
Hallo %s,

Ihr Benutzername lautet "%s".
Ihr Passwort ist "%s".</target><alt-trans xml:space="preserve" origin="jkunze"><target>Ihr Passwort
Hallo %s,

Ihr Benutzername lautet "%s".
Ihr Passwort ist "%s".</target></alt-trans><alt-trans xml:space="preserve" origin="chrisju"><target>Ihr Passwort
Hallo %s
Ihr Benutzername lautet "%s".
Ihr Passwort ist "%s".</target></alt-trans></trans-unit>
Actions #4

Updated by Sven Burkert over 12 years ago

Hi Stefan,

thank you for the quick fix. Now I see the line breaks in file "de.locallang.xml", everything fine.

Actions #5

Updated by Stefan Galinski over 12 years ago

The problem seems to be serious as I had the same issue in another system now. The removal of the l10n folder, deleting cache and resynchronisation has delivered completly other content than the synchronisation of languages with an existing l10n directory. Seems like something is broken with updates of existing (or just older german ones?) l10n directories. Can someone else verify this?

Actions #6

Updated by Stefan Galinski about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed

See #36027


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