


Feature #83529

Updated by Michael Schams over 6 years ago

When a user successfully logs in to the backend of TYPO3, registered hooks a signal should be executed. emitted. 

 This allows TYPO3 core developers as well as extension developers to create functions slots that react on a BE user login. 
 Typical use cases for notification services are for example: could be: 

 * Post a message to Slack or a similar messaging system. 
 * Send a text message (SMS) to the user's mobile number. 
 * Pass this event to other systems to monitor suspicious activities. 
 * Pass this event to other systems for activity logging of specific users (see note below). 
 * Trigger other events in the system based on the user, user settings, etc. 
 * etc. 

 Note: Some organization/company policies require the governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of specific account (e.g. accounts with high privileges such as admins). Developing an extension that notifies a third party system (e.g. via an API call) about the BE login event in real time would be an easy task if a hook Signal/Slot would be available. 

 Currently, backend users can enable the feature "email at login" in their settings. This could be decentralized and moved to a separate extension (or system extension), including some improvements (e.g. generate a nicer HTML email or customize the mail text such as "take the HTTP X-FORWARDED-FOR header into account", etc.). However, I suggest to treat this as a separate task, independent from this feature request.
