


Feature #83460

Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 6 years ago

For BE-users there is the possibility to hide columns, which makes it easier for simple editors just to edit relevant content. 

 mod.web_layout.tt_content.colPos_list = 0,3 [does not work for me] 
 mod.SHARED.colPos_list = 0,3 [works] 

 But then, if you have many columns, the look is very nasty (see screenshot before) 

 The feature would add a new setting: 

 mod.web_layout.hideRestrictedCols = 1 

 and easily it does not render the colHeaders for restricted columns. It simply looks much cleaner. (see screenshot after) 

 h1. Before 
 !bad.png! 'bad.png' 

 h1. After 
 !after.png! 'after.png'
