


Bug #97040

Updated by Björn Jacob about 2 years ago

h1. ## Problem 

 A validator cannot be removed visually if not all of the required information of the validator have been provided. 

 h1. How to reproduce? 

 * create new form element of type "Text" 
 * add validator of type "String length", do not enter the required information -> the background of the validator is still red 
 * delete the validator (icon garbage bin) 
 * click "Remove" in modal -> the modal is still visible, the form element has changed on the stage (validation information gone) 
 * close modal via "x" 
 * create a new for element 
 * switch back to the "Text" element you've created in the first place -> the validator is gone 
 * for this element add the "String length" validator again, do not enter the required information 
 * delete the validator (icon garbage bin) 
 * click "Remove" in modal -> same problem as before
