

Torsten no-lastname-given

  • Login: hettler
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  • Last sign in: 2017-11-08


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 7 7



11:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #67661: RTE: copy and paste within RTE leads twice content input
I still run into this problem in 6.2.30 tested with Firefox 52.0.1 Torsten no-lastname-given


15:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #49045: Slider Preview shows only Workspace in 6.1.1
Sorry to bother you but I tried downlgrading to 6.0 but the error is still there. So probably the reason lies in some... Torsten no-lastname-given
15:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #49045: Slider Preview shows only Workspace in 6.1.1
I use Firefox 22.0 (IE 10 seems the same...) and no, there are no JS-Errors. Torsten no-lastname-given


08:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #49045 (Closed): Slider Preview shows only Workspace in 6.1.1
Slider preview shows only workspace view in 6.1.1, no matter wich direction you pull the slider.
However, split-view...
Torsten no-lastname-given
08:53 TYPO3 Core Bug #45695: Discard workspace version of record results in Fatal error
I can confirm this behaviour still exists in 6.1.1
Torsten no-lastname-given


14:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #38427 (Closed): Single Table View , numbered Clipboard, work on multiple translated items
Since a few versions it is not possible to check tranlated items in single Table view for multi-editing width enabled... Torsten no-lastname-given


09:04 TYPO3 Core Bug #32408 (Closed): htmlArea RTE: CSS class names are lowercase in WebKit
Given is a CSS-classname called "keinAbstand".
I can use this standardconform class easily in Firefox. When I try to...
Torsten no-lastname-given


09:22 TYPO3 Core Bug #22578 (Closed): Cannot use keyboard-shortcut for NBSP in RTE with Firefox anymore
When editing text in RTE you could use the keyboard-shortcut "CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE" to place a "nonbreaking space" (& nbs... Torsten no-lastname-given
09:13 TYPO3 Core Bug #22571: " " cannot used via shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+SPACE in Firefox anymore
Sorry, i was a bit too fast. Please close this bug, I will report a new one with a better description.
Thank you!
Torsten no-lastname-given


10:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #22571: " " cannot used via shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+SPACE in Firefox anymore
Sorry, but my code was certainly replace. This issue is related to NBSP Torsten no-lastname-given

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