

Christoph Bessei

  • Login: parachris
  • Registered on: 2015-02-02
  • Last sign in: 2016-10-21


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 3 5



20:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #70074: After saving tt_content, always jumps to top
It would be really nice if this could be fixed/implemented.
As Michael said it would save the editors a lot of time.
Christoph Bessei


18:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #72975 (New): If "Copy default content elements" fails because of missing CType access, images get duplicated
There seems to be a bug with access restricted CTypes in 6.2.17:
1. Create content element with FAL image in defau...
Christoph Bessei
18:09 TYPO3 Core Bug #72974 (New): "Copy default content elements"-Button is shown even if an editor hasn't access to this CType
Currently TYPO3 doesn't check if an editor has access* for a specific CType before showing the "Copy default content ... Christoph Bessei


10:44 TYPO3 Core Feature #71911 (Closed): Add signal to makeSearchString (Search in list module)
Is it possible to add a signal in makeSearchString so an extension can change the behaviour of the backend search?
Christoph Bessei


19:35 TYPO3 Core Feature #71290 (Closed): UploadViewHelper misses accept tag attribute
Currently it's not possible to add the "accept" attribute to <f:form.upload>.
M.e it's enough to register the tag at...
Christoph Bessei


21:22 TYPO3 Core Bug #47192: setRespectSysLanguage(FALSE) doesn't prevent language overlay when fetching localized objects
No chance getting this into 7 LTS?
Since it's a bugfix and not a feature it shouldn't be affected by the feature fr...
Christoph Bessei


15:11 TYPO3 Core Bug #45873: querySettings setRespectSysLanguage or setSysLanguageUid does not work
As Alex Kellner said this issue is still relevant.
I use the following workaround:...
Christoph Bessei


20:50 TYPO3 Core Feature #66116 (Closed): defLangBinding = 1 and Copy all non translated content elements
Hi all,
on a page where mod.web_layout.defLangBinding = 0, the "Copy default content elements" button copies all c...
Christoph Bessei

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