

Bart Veldhuizen

  • Login: bartv2
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  • Registered on: 2009-10-19
  • Last sign in: 2012-10-31


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 4 4



17:39 TYPO3 Core Bug #36744: Workspaces are unusable on larger installations
We have sponsored the development of this module and Oliver Hader implemented it for us. The resulting improvement in... Bart Veldhuizen


08:36 TYPO3 Core Bug #36744: Workspaces are unusable on larger installations
When you say 'sponsoring an individual developer', is that something the workspaces team can help me with? I don't th... Bart Veldhuizen


14:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #36744 (Closed): Workspaces are unusable on larger installations
We're running TYPO3 4.5.12 on a website with a few thousand pages. Opening the workspace module on the root page of t... Bart Veldhuizen


10:41 TYPO3 Core Bug #31958: Workspace preview: scrollbars disappear in IE8+9
I anyone still looking at these issues? This is something I'd like to get fixed and I'm willing to sponsor. Please le... Bart Veldhuizen


12:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #31958: Workspace preview: scrollbars disappear in IE8+9
I forgot to mention that I'd be happy to sponsor the solution of this issue. Bart Veldhuizen
12:04 TYPO3 Core Bug #31958 (Closed): Workspace preview: scrollbars disappear in IE8+9
When resizing the workspace preview window, the scrollbars disappear in IE8+9. This does not happen in other browsers... Bart Veldhuizen


16:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #23789 (Closed): TCA: Suggest wizard doesn't work for maxitems=1
For select fields with maxitems = 1, the suggest wizard does display, but you cannot select an item and transfer it t... Bart Veldhuizen


14:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #22624: Moving/deleting section inside a container fails in workspaces
What would be a reasonable sponsorship amount for this bug? My client keeps running in to this and I'd like to have i... Bart Veldhuizen


13:44 TYPO3 Core Bug #22624 (Closed): Moving/deleting section inside a container fails in workspaces
I have a section object that can contain a number of containers (links with a title in a list). Once users work in a ... Bart Veldhuizen
13:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #18722: "Broken rootline" error when creating new page in Draft
I'd like to confirm that on 4.2.12 and realurl 1.8.1, I'm still seeing this problem. Bart Veldhuizen

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