

Wiard van Rij

  • Login: wvanrij
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  • Registered on: 2016-07-12
  • Last sign in: 2016-07-12


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09:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #76923 (Resolved): Suggest wizard on group field (with multiple true) adds element twice (maybe only in flexforms)
Applied in changeset commit:9c33458ebdc7bcccffacd2c904c02dea0526dc6e. Wiard van Rij
09:23 TYPO3 Core Revision 5faa9954: [BUGFIX] Fixes the suggest wizard item click by only returning one value
The bug only occurs on cases where the multiple true is defined,
and the user clicks on the element found by the sugg...
Wiard van Rij
09:23 TYPO3 Core Revision 9c33458e: [BUGFIX] Fixes the suggest wizard item click by only returning one value
The bug only occurs on cases where the multiple true is defined,
and the user clicks on the element found by the sugg...
Wiard van Rij

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