Florian Zimmermann
- Login: flzimmer
- Email: florian.zimmermann@rztel.de
- Registered on: 2008-12-01
- Last sign in: 2013-10-08
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 0 | 5 | 5 |
15:13 TYPO3 Core Bug #48220 (Closed): exec_INSERTmultipleRows insert double Rows
- The changed in the function exec_INSERTmultipleRows (4.5.26) insert all rows twice. Imho this comes from the forgotte...
23:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #17652: preprocessing ###REC_FIELD_[fieldname]### marker problem with IRRE
- In TYPO3 4.5.25 still exists. Imho right now is it not a bug. If you write correct code with field names in lowercase...
13:22 TYPO3 Core Bug #45570 (Closed): fe_session Data Change external payment checkout
- ok now in TYPO3 4.5.23 the session data Handling is change.
I got now the prob...
20:36 TYPO3 Core Bug #36947: GIFBUILDER render twice
- Florian Schaeffer wrote:
> The provided patch fixes the problem only for the first rendererd item on the page.
13:09 TYPO3 Core Bug #36947: GIFBUILDER render twice
- Please add the fix. GIT i do not understand right now.
18:27 TYPO3 Core Bug #37060: GIF with transparant background turns black
- Hi,
have you empty the typo3temp/GB and typ3temp/pic dir before you try to render the images again?
I could also b... -
18:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #36947: GIFBUILDER render twice
- ok have found the bug and fix it.
Please change
Function imagecopyresized
Line 442
23:21 TYPO3 Core Bug #37060: GIF with transparant background turns black
- i have the same prob first.
You need an inverted Mask, see Wiki article http://wiki.typo3.org/GIFBUILDER.
And also...
23:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #36947: GIFBUILDER render twice
- Hi,
now tested with Image Magick Same thing. Rendering Twice. Please could someone proof on his own Server wh... -
09:50 TYPO3 Core Bug #36947: GIFBUILDER render twice
- Hi,
i have right now tried the GIFBUILDER from the wiki, and it is still the same problem.
lib.test = IMAGE
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