

Sebastian Gebhard


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 4 4



13:44 TYPO3 Core Feature #20376 (Closed): Provide a Hook in wizardArray() of the "New Content Element Wizard" to manipulate the Items
At the moment the only possibility of changing the Items in the "New Content Element Wizard" is to xclass SC_db_new_c... Sebastian Gebhard


14:52 TYPO3 Core Bug #20138 (Closed): Minify 3rd party javascripts in typo3/contrib/
The js files in typo3/contrib/ should be minifed to increase performance.
Dmitry pointed out that it would be ...
Sebastian Gebhard


13:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #20113: Use $this->fixedL for list title length
Oops, my fault. I meant #18999 not #18999. Could someone please change this? Sebastian Gebhard
13:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #20113 (Closed): Use $this->fixedL for list title length
In #18999 the title length in the list module was changed from $this->fixedL to $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['titleLen'], ... Sebastian Gebhard


15:36 TYPO3 Core Feature #20102: Add Core API function to Extension Management: getEMConfArray($key)
Nested arrays could be expressed in TS style like this:
$dependencies = t3lib_extmgm::getEMConfArray($extkey,'cons...
Sebastian Gebhard
13:07 TYPO3 Core Feature #20099: element browser title length is hardcoded
After discussing it in dev list. I used $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['titleLen'] instead of a new pageTS/userTS property. Sebastian Gebhard
09:51 TYPO3 Core Feature #20099: element browser title length is hardcoded
Oh, PHP is Version 5.2 of course, but I think that does not really matter in that case. Sebastian Gebhard
09:46 TYPO3 Core Feature #20099 (Closed): element browser title length is hardcoded
In the element browser long titles are cropped after a hardco...
Sebastian Gebhard

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