

Felix Nagel

  • Login: fnagel
  • Registered on: 2009-11-02
  • Last sign in: 2023-05-30


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 34 35



09:39 TYPO3 Core Bug #100103: SystemStatusUpdateTask does not contain issues or URL when sent via cron
Still an issue in TYPO3 12.4.14 Felix Nagel


14:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #92604: Translation of child elements connected to a page record currently broken
@lolli Closed as duplicate of itself? Felix Nagel


15:19 TYPO3 Core Bug #102580: Translate ViewHelper does not use default argument when non existing key is given
You are right. It's not a general issue but something within my extension ( I've... Felix Nagel


09:20 TYPO3 Core Feature #88537: WebP image format support
@speters I've tested webp support about a year ago and the server (Uberspace v7) did not support creation of webp. So... Felix Nagel


17:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #101217: Using into FluidEmail broke future redirections in Extbase Controller
Similar issues here with TYPO3 v12 and VHS v7. When using redirect without the extensionName argument, the link was b... Felix Nagel
16:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #102580 (Rejected): Translate ViewHelper does not use default argument when non existing key is given
When using the translate ViewHelper in TYPO3 12.4.8 with a non existing key the default value is ignored. This worked... Felix Nagel


17:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #100954: Additional attributes for page.include** partially broken
Run into this issue when updating an instance from v11.4 to v12.4.8. Felix Nagel


15:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #90157: missing possibility to send return_url Parameter with 403 standard errorhandler
I'm no longer able to redirect after login when a deep link was requested but use the configured default redirect whe... Felix Nagel
15:27 TYPO3 Core Feature #101252: PageErrorHandler for 403 errors with redirect option to login page
Is this related to #91844 and #90157 ? Felix Nagel


13:57 TYPO3 Core Bug #100103: SystemStatusUpdateTask does not contain issues or URL when sent via cron
Not sure. Where is this code snippet from? I'm talking about the TYPO3\CMS\Reports\Task\SystemStatusUpdateTask class.... Felix Nagel

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