

Sean Ellis


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03:19 TYPO3 Core Bug #14848: utf-8 data gets converted to utf-8 again under MySQL 4.1.11
>Did anybody yet find out why there are problems with Templavoilà?
I looked, but my novice abilities prevent me fr...
Sean Ellis


05:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #14848: utf-8 data gets converted to utf-8 again under MySQL 4.1.11
I found the relevant mysqld option. It's init-connect not init-file.
Setting init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'; in my....
Sean Ellis


23:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #14848: utf-8 data gets converted to utf-8 again under MySQL 4.1.11
>after each connection to MySQL tells the server that the specified >connection is UTF8 (what we need) and not Latin-... Sean Ellis
20:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #14848: utf-8 data gets converted to utf-8 again under MySQL 4.1.11
The templavoila extension is having trouble after making the edits to /t3lib/class.t3lib_db.php in note 0002729.
Sean Ellis


01:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #14848: utf-8 data gets converted to utf-8 again under MySQL 4.1.11
The changes that nbernhardt suggested are working for the strings that I've tried. The characters that were producing... Sean Ellis

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