

Peter Kraume


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 8 8
Reported issues 1 69 70



21:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #105664 (Resolved): Little typo in EXT:styleguide
Applied in changeset commit:bf72dad9e9b8d83dbc7f4b1781a7421c5b9f33c1. Peter Kraume
20:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #105664 (Resolved): Little typo in EXT:styleguide
> Progress trackers are a segmented variant of progress bars, diving the progress bar into equal chunks.<br>The prima... Peter Kraume
21:11 TYPO3 Core Revision e22a6c11: [BUGFIX] Fix typo in EXT:styleguide
Resolves: #105664
Releases: main, 13.4
Change-Id: I8c4d41337ae9a0c79b9a55b9ff46263d00f6955e
Reviewed-on: https://revi...
Peter Kraume
21:11 TYPO3 Core Revision bf72dad9: [BUGFIX] Fix typo in EXT:styleguide
Resolves: #105664
Releases: main, 13.4
Change-Id: I8c4d41337ae9a0c79b9a55b9ff46263d00f6955e
Reviewed-on: https://revi...
Peter Kraume
12:03 TYPO3 Core Task #105647: Get rid of "resname" attribute in XLF file
When we do the change, we also need to update the documentation:
Peter Kraume
10:58 TYPO3 Core Task #105647: Get rid of "resname" attribute in XLF file
We discussed the idea in the Localization Team and we also don't see any issues which would block us from removing th... Peter Kraume
11:50 TYPO3 Core Task #105642 (Resolved): Use American English in xlf files
Applied in changeset commit:4398c9605b4bc4785729b72bc9c6d2ad895e6046. Peter Kraume
11:21 TYPO3 Core Revision 6be807c2: [TASK] Use American English in xlf files
This patch standardizes different spellings to American English.
Resolves: #105642
Releases: main, 13.4
Change-Id: I...
Peter Kraume
11:21 TYPO3 Core Revision 4398c960: [TASK] Use American English in xlf files
This patch standardizes different spellings to American English.
Resolves: #105642
Releases: main, 13.4
Change-Id: I...
Peter Kraume


20:05 TYPO3 Core Task #105642 (Resolved): Use American English in xlf files
There are several places in the TYPO3 core where British English is used. Peter Kraume

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