

David Bruchmann


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 6 74 80



15:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #85483: Installing distribution with included extension is raising cache-error
I think the issue can be closed as the version is not supported anymore and I can hardly remember in which project th... David Bruchmann
14:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #83261: List View sorting by category is done by category id instead of titles
Actually it's more complicated than just sorting by title as the language has to be considered too, including fallbac... David Bruchmann


10:54 TYPO3 Core Feature #104393: Add new Extbase event AfterControllerActionResolvedEvent near AfterRequestDispatchedEvent
Torben I agree, at least with cache this solution wouldn't work at all.
Introduction would be quite easy, but fixing ...
David Bruchmann


15:42 TYPO3 Core Feature #104393: Add new Extbase event AfterControllerActionResolvedEvent near AfterRequestDispatchedEvent
Garvin, I thought about using it but am not sure if that's the best solution for my case.
It's about introducing ano...
David Bruchmann
13:43 TYPO3 Core Feature #104393 (Closed): Add new Extbase event AfterControllerActionResolvedEvent near AfterRequestDispatchedEvent
The `AfterRequestDispatchedEvent` is triggered after the content is completely rendered, even including the view.
David Bruchmann


14:10 TYPO3 Core Bug #103434: Extbase should check for property, not getter first
There is a resembling comment in David Bruchmann


08:14 TYPO3 Core Bug #92699: variables in ContentObjectRenderer::checkIf
I can confirm, the issue is fixed since already long time. David Bruchmann


08:29 TYPO3 Core Task #103788: Provide documentation for webhooks (and adjust
EXT:webhooks should certainly get an own docu, but here exists something:
David Bruchmann


18:22 TYPO3 Core Epic #103035: Handle EXT syntax more flexible
I don't see a real benefit from a packageManager yet, as "Convention over Configuration" is quite useful and like you... David Bruchmann
18:08 TYPO3 Core Feature #99316: Move all Fluid Styled Content specific components to EXT:fluid_styled_content
As it could be seen with the switch from CSC to FSC it's was quite useful that CTypes never have been bound to CSC bu... David Bruchmann

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