Jan Kornblum
- Login: t3jkb
- Email: jan.kornblum@googlemail.com
- Registered on: 2011-07-06
- Last sign in: 2025-01-27
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 26 | 44 | 70 |
11:22 TYPO3 Core Feature #94539 (New): Documentation on how to work with 1:n and n:1 relations and translations
11:21 TYPO3 Core Feature #94539: Documentation on how to work with 1:n and n:1 relations and translations
- Please reopen... This is still not documented in any good way and since v9 it is hard to find out how a setup (tca + ...
16:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #89768: l10n_mode "exclude" does not work with inline type
- Still an issue... And in addition we should have the possibility to (absolutely) deny auto creation of children when ...
15:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #105843: Language fallback broken for objectstorages
- Garvin Hicking wrote in #note-1:
> I've worked around this occassionally by using sys_language_uid=-1 here; then "al... -
10:22 TYPO3 Core Bug #105843 (New): Language fallback broken for objectstorages
- Language fallbacks currently don't work for objectstorages (and possibly other relation types too). Example use case:...
22:47 TYPO3 Core Bug #105539 (New): Confusing login form behavior when user is already logged in
- The login form behavior is very confusing when trying to login, although the user os already logged in (another brow...
15:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #101387: Impossible to set meta tag "robots" from within uncached extbase controller action (using the MetaTag API)
- Georg Ringer wrote in #note-2:
> just tested that in v13 and works fine, therefore closing it - probably also fine i...
19:26 TYPO3 Core Bug #81361: File dump in TYPO3 BE insecure because login status is not checked
- Regarding this there is now another related issue with a different approach:
https://forge.typo3.org/issues/104364 -
11:15 TYPO3 Core Feature #102129: Integrate link wizard (linkhandler) for page type "shortcut"
- Hi Guido, thanks for your hint. I like the idea discussed in the other issue! I hope anybody will proceed thereā¦
21:33 TYPO3 Core Feature #88833: Extend possibility to create FileReference in frontend with a given File object
- I've adjusted this for current master and tested it in a real project.
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