

Manfred Egger

  • Login: teddytrombone
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  • Registered on: 2010-03-22
  • Last sign in: 2025-02-07


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 9 11



11:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #105948 (New): Extbase: Translations ignore hidden state for 1:n relations, when relation is set to l10n_mode => exclude
As the title says: if you have a domain model "A", which has a 1:n relation to another domain model "B" then the hidd... Manfred Egger


10:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #105904 (Resolved): resetHaving on QueryBuilder results in infinite loop
In @TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Query\ConcreteQueryBuilder@ in method resetHaving there is a call to @$this->resetHaving@... Manfred Egger


06:50 TYPO3 Core Task #98343: Embed Mail logo into email
With the current solution in the patch it is not possible to override the embedded logo in the template. The problem ... Manfred Egger


11:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #103935 (Closed): InvalidArgumentException "Unsupported scheme android-app" in CSP reporter
It appears that when opening a page via the google search bar on Android devices an InvalidArgumentException is throw... Manfred Egger


05:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #103838 (Closed): label_alt triggers PHP warning when pointing to certain field types
When we set label_alt of a table to a field of type @select@ then a PHP warning is raised:... Manfred Egger


05:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #102339: Typo3 11 PageLinkBuilder does not take shortcut_mode and target of translated page into account
It seems that this bug is fixed since TYPO3 12 LTS at least for the HMENU.
The bug is still present in "normal" li...
Manfred Egger


10:11 TYPO3 Core Bug #102339: Typo3 11 PageLinkBuilder does not take shortcut_mode and target of translated page into account
Same problem here. One of our customer heavily relies on different shortcut targets per language and after upgrading ... Manfred Egger


10:15 TYPO3 Core Bug #101433: Selection of files in FileBrowser is not possible
I can confirm this for TYPO3 12.4.3 and 12.4.4. In TYPO3 12.4.2 it's working as expected. Manfred Egger


05:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #98163 (Closed): Endless loop when using PageContentErrorHandler and non existing page
If you use @errorHandler: Page@ in your site configuration and link to a page, which is somehow not existing, disable... Manfred Egger


09:03 TYPO3 Core Bug #98126: Page caching does not work as expected on multi language sites
Manfred Egger wrote:
> I would expect that as soon as a page is cached it's cached content is served to all clients. ...
Manfred Egger

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