

Franz Geiger

  • Login: fgeiger
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  • Registered on: 2012-02-06
  • Last sign in: 2015-08-22


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 5 5



15:11 TYPO3 Core Task #61934: Forms: "current" and ".field" data is not visible
I still think it would be a worthwhile feature if one could create and/or pre-fill form fields dynamically. However I... Franz Geiger


13:39 TYPO3 Core Task #61934: Forms: "current" and ".field" data is not visible
Uhm, unfortunately I'm not sure what I was up to a year ago. Neither do I remember where I tested this minimal exampl... Franz Geiger


18:35 TYPO3 Core Task #61934 (Closed): Forms: "current" and ".field" data is not visible
When using a FORM cObject, "current" value and "field" data is not visible inside the FORM object.
The following m...
Franz Geiger
16:58 TYPO3 Core Feature #45709: add stdwrap functionality to FORM input elements as well
This would be a really helpful feature. Can anyone point me to what has to be changed in order for this to work? Franz Geiger


20:39 TYPO3 Core Bug #60684: Install tool step action fails silently
Although ... thinking about it again: Why does the install tool stop complaining about a low value of the upload limi... Franz Geiger
20:36 TYPO3 Core Bug #60684: Install tool step action fails silently
You're right: Installation won't fail. I was just very eager to get rid of those warnings.
Server logs complain ab...
Franz Geiger
18:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #60684: Install tool step action fails silently
I found the problem: Wrong PHP settings apparently prevent TYPO3 creating files.
With my server setup the install ...
Franz Geiger
15:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #60684 (Closed): Install tool step action fails silently
I'm trying to install TYPO3 using the install wizard but I'm stuck at step 1. Whenever I click on "System looks good.... Franz Geiger


22:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #46094: Mailform shows recipient email address on website
As a temporal remedy you could just hide the subheader:... Franz Geiger


09:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #45878: Section Index incorrect output
It is neither confirmed nor rejected. At this point it is just a guess. Franz Geiger

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