

Dan Kleine (Untenzu)

  • Login: pbtypo3
  • Registered on: 2010-03-29
  • Last sign in: 2024-06-19


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 6 8 14



16:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #100021: Incorrect path because of absolutely reference file(s) in typo3/cms-dashboard plus it causes open_basedir warnings
Confirmed in TYPO3 11.
> These warnings are only logged, the files mentioned are all loaded successfully.
The reaso...
Dan Kleine (Untenzu)


14:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #102509: Changes in FileReferences are not copied to other languages with l10n_mode=exclude
Can confirm this issue.
Regarding the cropvariants: The suggested workaround package b13/unlocalizedcrop (https://...
Dan Kleine (Untenzu)


13:01 TYPO3 Core Feature #103418: Encourage editors to fill in default meta information upon file uploads in content elements
First idea: Shouldnt it be possible to display the "Edit Metadata of this file" button already before the "Save" acti... Dan Kleine (Untenzu)
12:47 TYPO3 Core Feature #103418 (New): Encourage editors to fill in default meta information upon file uploads in content elements
As an editor I want to be encouraged to fill out some meta information for files, when I upload and attach them to a ... Dan Kleine (Untenzu)
10:38 TYPO3 Core Feature #103416 (New): The filelist table should allow editing of selected fields
As an editor, I would like to display individual fields for files - just as in the list module of content - and only ... Dan Kleine (Untenzu)
10:19 TYPO3 Core Feature #103415 (New): Use meta title instead of filename in all filelists
As an editor, I would like to give files a title and use this in file lists (in the file list module or in the link b... Dan Kleine (Untenzu)
09:58 TYPO3 Core Feature #103414 (New): Add a date selection to backend search
As an editor, I want to use date fields in the backend search to limit long search hit lists to the selection that is... Dan Kleine (Untenzu)


12:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #100468: Missing assets folder when creating public folder after installation
Some suggestions, since you asked for feedback :)
> Another option would be to document, that an extension is only c...
Dan Kleine (Untenzu)


15:36 TYPO3 Core Bug #94782: Revert "Declare core as replacement for t3g/svg-sanitizer"
Ah, I created an issue at about the same time. Thanks for closing the duplicate Oliver.
Since an asterisk was used C...
Dan Kleine (Untenzu)
15:09 TYPO3 Core Bug #94784 (Closed): t3g/svg-sanitizer conflicts with roave/security-advisories which then blocks core updates
*What did I do?*
- Update an existing installation with typo3/cms-core:10.4.18 and roave/security-advisories:dev-l...
Dan Kleine (Untenzu)

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