Sven Tappert
- Login: tappert
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- Registered on: 2012-04-23
- Last sign in: 2020-09-14
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 0 | 5 | 5 |
16:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #91935 (Closed): Relative pathes in inline CSS not adapted (page.includeCSS.<file>.inline=1)
- Usually relative pathes to fonts and images in CSS files are being adapted by Typo3 when needed. This is usually nece...
09:21 TYPO3 Core Bug #60415: Importing images from pages media field fails if filepath contains whitespaces
- Thank you for your quick reply Markus! I stumbled about it in css_styled_content in the meantime and this solution wo...
18:44 TYPO3 Core Bug #60415: Importing images from pages media field fails if filepath contains whitespaces
- The above TS setup works perfect until 6.1. Since 6.2 the publicUrl function in @\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriver::g...
17:57 TYPO3 Core Bug #60415 (Closed): Importing images from pages media field fails if filepath contains whitespaces
- ...
23:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #58615: $data['media'] contains not allways the path to files in ContentObjectRenderer
- It's better to use *file:current:uid* in conjunction with *treatIdAsReference*. file:current:publicUrl will not rende...
20:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #57276: Difference between creating and renaming a folder in filelist
- Alternatively, the call to filename "sanitization" could be omitted in @\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorage::ren...
20:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #57276: Difference between creating and renaming a folder in filelist
- Typo3 version 6.2.(3) replaces all characters that are not within [.a-zA-Z0-9_-] with a "_". This might be helpful in...
18:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #57276: Difference between creating and renaming a folder in filelist
- I can confirm this (6.2.4, Linux & Win).
When renaming a file all spaces are converted to underscores. It's not p...
01:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #50231: Caching framework broken - cache expires after 1 hour (cf_cache_pagesection & cf_cache_rootline)
- No, it's NOT fixed in 6.1.9. It's because the default values for:...
00:42 TYPO3 Core Bug #50231: Caching framework broken - cache expires after 1 hour (cf_cache_pagesection & cf_cache_rootline)
- I have to do some testing. I'm not sure if the other issues were based on the same cause.
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