

Viktor Livakivskyi


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 7 43 50



15:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #82023 (Rejected): Install Tool DB Analyzer tries to change all VARCHAR fields
Hi developers,
I'm experiencing an issue with DB Migrations in Install Tool - the analyzer complains every time ab...
Viktor Livakivskyi


12:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #81986 (Closed): indexed_search generates duplicated results for same page
Hi community.
The issue is quite weird and it is a combination of multiple factors. Let's go step by step.
Viktor Livakivskyi


12:38 TYPO3 Core Bug #81116: Custom image crop ration breaking BE with #1351584844: An argument "key" or "id" has to be provided
Still reproducible in TYPO3 8.7.3
You need to create a TCA override file for sys_file_reference with the contents ...
Viktor Livakivskyi


16:33 TYPO3 Core Feature #81379: For a page_type "Shortcut" make it possible to link to specific content
Yes, #17406 is the right one, this one can be closed as duplicate then. Viktor Livakivskyi
13:09 TYPO3 Core Feature #81379 (Closed): For a page_type "Shortcut" make it possible to link to specific content
It would be nice to have a possibility to link to specific content element - not just to a complete page for "...
Viktor Livakivskyi


17:01 TYPO3 Core Feature #60026: Set explicitly 'readOnly' sys_language_uid of child to value, taken from parent record
The same happens if sys_language_uid field is not shown at all - new record in non-default language will have it's sy... Viktor Livakivskyi


20:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #81116 (Rejected): Custom image crop ration breaking BE with #1351584844: An argument "key" or "id" has to be provided
Issue is same as closed #80214
My TCA/Overrides/sys_file_reference.php...
Viktor Livakivskyi
18:33 TYPO3 Core Feature #81114 (New): Missing bitwise operations in Extbase QueryBuilder
So far this was implemented on a low-lewel in task #75563, but still not available in Extbase.
Should be possible ...
Viktor Livakivskyi


13:12 TYPO3 Core Bug #77964: FunctionalTestCaseBootstrapUtility not present in typo3/cms 7.6.14 composer package
Hi, Alexander.
Yes, If copy-paste of autoload-dev solves an issue, then this ticket can be closed.
Viktor Livakivskyi


16:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #81049 (Closed): Not possible to use different DB connection for tables, defined in TCA due to Reference Index
I'm really excited about the feature, which allows separation of tables with different databases.
But actuall...
Viktor Livakivskyi

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