

Michael Schams

  • Login: mschams
  • Registered on: 2010-05-20
  • Last sign in: 2024-02-01


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 15 15
Reported issues 12 124 136



23:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #100730: Unable to upload extensions in ExtensionManager
The problem also/still occurs in TYPO3 v12.4.11. As a workaround, go to *Admin Tools -> Settings -> Extension Configu... Michael Schams


08:04 TYPO3 Core Bug #103008: Broken CLI-based installation in 13.0.0 due to required DB port as type ?int but got string
Yes. I must have missed that. Close my ticket pls :-) Michael Schams
07:50 TYPO3 Core Bug #103008: Broken CLI-based installation in 13.0.0 due to required DB port as type ?int but got string
Does not work with DB driver **mysqli** but works with driver **pdoMysql** (no errors).
Michael Schams
07:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #103008 (Closed): Broken CLI-based installation in 13.0.0 due to required DB port as type ?int but got string
CLI-based installation impossible due to a TYPO3 Exception:... Michael Schams


22:40 TYPO3 Core Feature #102391 (New): Improve UX of the Database Analyzer
Backend module **Admin Tools -> Maintenance -> Analyze Database Structure**
If the module reports issues, the outp...
Michael Schams
22:29 TYPO3 Core Feature #102390 (New): Make date/time format configurable on a per-user basis
The date/time format shown in the TYPO3 backend can be configured as a global configuration:... Michael Schams


21:28 TYPO3 Core Feature #101653: Auto-create DB fields from TCA columns for type "check"
The database field @review_state@ must not be @UNSIGNED@ as negative values are valid. For example, @-1@ indicates th... Michael Schams


07:46 TYPO3 Core Feature #100976: Improve UX of Reports module
As a side note: the paragraph at the top also makes me smile every time I access the module :-)
> _Here you can fi...
Michael Schams
07:40 TYPO3 Core Feature #100976 (New): Improve UX of Reports module
Gathering the details of the checks executed when a user accesses the backend module **System → Reports → Status Repo... Michael Schams


02:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #100755: Update
Although I truly like the usage of emojis in general, I suggest NOT to use them in a text or markdown file such as @S... Michael Schams

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