

Stefan P

  • Login: stefanp
  • Registered on: 2016-06-23
  • Last sign in: 2024-06-25


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 39 75 114



09:04 TYPO3 Core Feature #103706 (Resolved): Add configuration option to allow setting a default/pre-selected option for the list view search box recursion
We can alter @mod.web_list.searchLevel.items@ to change the provided items in the recursion depth selection of the se... Stefan P
05:14 TYPO3 Core Bug #103129: Modified "Host" header with invalid port leads to exception when creating the ServerRequestFactory->fromGlobals
@stefan.buerk PHP also provides a dedicated built-in webserver. Start it with "php -S". Then your PHP code must handl... Stefan P


07:13 TYPO3 Core Bug #95122: TYPO3 falesly indexes file CHANGE time (ctime) into sys_file.creation_date.
The core file @Indexer@ has this:... Stefan P


07:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #102664 (New): Unneeded/misleading check for character_set_server on MySQL-based databases
The core checks for @character_set_server@ and throws a notice (e.g. in the Environment Status) if it is not one of t... Stefan P


07:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #101675: Updating EOL-releases using non-ELTS and depending on roave/security-advisories fails because of security advisories to ELTS
> since you maintain a custom fork of TYPO3 already
No. It comes from the official sources via composer. The patches...
Stefan P


05:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #101675: Updating EOL-releases using non-ELTS and depending on roave/security-advisories fails because of security advisories to ELTS
> Since you decided...
No, our customer did.
> ... to run insecure software with known vulnerabilities
No, o...
Stefan P


06:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #98264: Logging "unsupported" HTTP request methods as an exception into the log is wrong
#100718 did fix this already. Stefan P
06:41 TYPO3 Core Bug #101675: Updating EOL-releases using non-ELTS and depending on roave/security-advisories fails because of security advisories to ELTS
> The ELTS process has zero impact on your local projects.
Wrong. That's what made me write this ticket. Since ELT...
Stefan P


07:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #101675: Updating EOL-releases using non-ELTS and depending on roave/security-advisories fails because of security advisories to ELTS
Or in other words: ELTS users are aware of security updates anyway, because they are explciitly paying to be ELTS. Bu... Stefan P
07:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #101675: Updating EOL-releases using non-ELTS and depending on roave/security-advisories fails because of security advisories to ELTS
Oliver Hader wrote in #note-4:
> The package @roave/security-advisories@ is *NOT* a dependency in the TYPO3 core pac...
Stefan P

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