

Oliver Schmidt


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 5 7



16:42 TYPO3 Core Bug #102154: Copy option in options.contextMenu.pages.disableItems
If the ".context" option describes the context from which the context menu is invoked, why isn't there a ".list" cont... Oliver Schmidt
14:43 TYPO3 Core Bug #102154 (Closed): Copy option in options.contextMenu.pages.disableItems
The User TSconfig documentation ( Oliver Schmidt
16:23 TYPO3 Core Feature #102155: Option to disable tiles view in Filelist module
Okay ignore this part, I mixed up thumbnails and tiles view.
Oliver Schmidt wrote:
> I found out that the User TS...
Oliver Schmidt
15:14 TYPO3 Core Feature #102155 (Resolved): Option to disable tiles view in Filelist module
I found out that the User TSconfig option... Oliver Schmidt


14:53 TYPO3 Core Bug #102145 (Resolved): Hide Option "View > Show Clipboard"
In TYPO3 Version 12.4.6 it is possible to use UserTSConfig... Oliver Schmidt


02:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #102090 (New): admPanel.override is not respected
Hello. It seems that the configuration of admPanel.override in user tsconfig for non-admins are not respected. I trie... Oliver Schmidt


14:35 TYPO3 Core Bug #99298: requireApprovedLocalizations should allow localizations with no approved attribute
Thank you. Great idea. Had an issue based on that, was not that easy to find out that the new feature was my problem. Oliver Schmidt
14:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #99317 (Closed): requireApprovedLocalizations should be available in backend
Hello together,
the option requireApprovedLocalizations is not available in backend yet. It should be configurable...
Oliver Schmidt


08:03 TYPO3 Core Bug #99198: MenuProcessor returns wrong menu
My current workaround for menu is:... Oliver Schmidt
07:12 TYPO3 Core Bug #99198: MenuProcessor returns wrong menu
The SysFolders aren't the problem. They are not included as expected.
Test case 1: Homepages with site_root are at r...
Oliver Schmidt

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