

Leonie Philine

  • Login: ncleonie
  • Registered on: 2016-11-22
  • Last sign in: 2022-12-22


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 8 20 28



14:34 TYPO3 Core Feature #100254: File Link Browser: Support `download` attribute
Additional relation (via
The OP note a...
Leonie Philine
14:30 TYPO3 Core Feature #100254 (New): File Link Browser: Support `download` attribute
h1. Support per-link @download@ attribute support in file link browser
The @a[download]@ attribute has widespread ...
Leonie Philine


15:27 TYPO3 Core Bug #99199: Image cropper: Part of the image not visible if the modal is < 1000px high
Issue priority is shown as "Should have", but it's really "Must have".
Apparently I cannot change that myself, thoug...
Leonie Philine


21:44 TYPO3 Core Bug #99759: Fluid inline calculation fails if more than none or a single whitespace character between operator and operand
Has PR at Leonie Philine
21:24 TYPO3 Core Bug #99759 (Closed): Fluid inline calculation fails if more than none or a single whitespace character between operator and operand
Upstream bug:
Tracking here to be included as dependency update in a TYP...
Leonie Philine


21:44 TYPO3 Core Feature #99415: Missing QueryBuilder feature: CROSS JOIN (JOIN without ON)
For anyone else having the same problem:
At least an unclean INNER JOIN with @null@ as @$condition@ and *any* existi...
Leonie Philine
19:40 TYPO3 Core Feature #99415 (New): Missing QueryBuilder feature: CROSS JOIN (JOIN without ON)
In some complex query situations it can be necessary to cross join tables without ON clause, and only filter results ... Leonie Philine


17:18 TYPO3 Core Bug #99199 (Closed): Image cropper: Part of the image not visible if the modal is < 1000px high
*To reproduce:*
- Set your browser (e.g. in responsive design mode) to a viewport height < 1000px (e.g. HiDPI Lapt...
Leonie Philine


03:52 TYPO3 Core Bug #99077 (Closed): TYPO3 11.5.18 regression: Commit 551f540fc3 caused link browser changes to no longer be saved
Change introducing the regression:
Steps to reproduce:
- Se...
Leonie Philine


18:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #98595 (Closed): BackendUtility::getProcessedValue PHP Runtime Deprecation Notice for flex fields with NULL pi_flexform value in PHP 8.1

@$value@ is nullable, as @pi_flexform@ is defined as @pi_flexform mediumtext,@ - and thus nullable - in @EXT:fronte...
Leonie Philine

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