

Deividas Simas

  • Login: kalabybis
  • Registered on: 2018-01-22
  • Last sign in: 2020-07-22


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14:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #91086: PageRenderer doesn't include resources included by USER_INT objects on cache miss
TYPO3 10 doesn't seem to add js files from uncached objects at all. I tried with following in UserintController:
Deividas Simas
13:17 TYPO3 Core Bug #91086: PageRenderer doesn't include resources included by USER_INT objects on cache miss
I could reproduce this issue on a fresh typo3 9.5.15 installation with following setup:
extension with 2 controlle...
Deividas Simas


14:28 TYPO3 Core Bug #91086 (New): PageRenderer doesn't include resources included by USER_INT objects on cache miss
Hello friends :)
I've came across a strange misconduct after reloading a page without cache (logged in on backend ...
Deividas Simas

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