

Philipp Kuhlmay

  • Login: philipp.kuhlmay
  • Registered on: 2020-04-05
  • Last sign in: 2024-03-30


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 12 23 35



12:35 TYPO3 Core Task #104123 (Resolved): EXT:styleguide examples for infobox should include the iconName
Applied in changeset commit:863132b893a6d2f9c60d3723aad5497a01d03917. Philipp Kuhlmay
12:31 TYPO3 Core Revision 863132b8: [TASK] Add custom icon example inside the `styleguide` infobox examples
This adds an example on how to use a custom icon inside the Infobox Fluid-Viewhelper.
Resolves: #104123
Releases: ma...
Philipp Kuhlmay


15:50 TYPO3 Core Bug #104224 (Under Review): EXT:styleguide: while saving the basics element, I get an error, that link_2 has a wrong format.
* Install EXT:styleguide
* Add the demo TCA pages ("Page tree including TCA demo records") inside the EXT:styleguide...
Philipp Kuhlmay


15:33 TYPO3 Core Task #104163 (Under Review): Add lit element for tabs
It should be possible to use a lit element for creating a tab-element inside my lit components.
Something like:
Philipp Kuhlmay


18:45 TYPO3 Core Task #104117 (Resolved): EXT:styleguide: add examples for fieldtype uuid
Applied in changeset commit:35a7e470d581434cecd29eb184638906e91774e4. Philipp Kuhlmay
18:43 TYPO3 Core Revision 35a7e470: [TASK] Add styleguide uuid example fields
This patch provides some examples for the type=uuid
in ext:styleguides 'basic' table including a generator
for this t...
Philipp Kuhlmay
10:52 TYPO3 Core Bug #104144 (In Progress): [EPIC] EXT:styleguide improvements
This is a collection ticket for the improvements inside the EXT:styleguide
My Ideas:
* add a copy-icon for copy...
Philipp Kuhlmay


15:31 TYPO3 Core Feature #104132 (Under Review): EXT:styleguide - add tabs for the examples for displaying different codes
The examples inside the EXT:styleguide should have tabs for displaying different code examples.
It is then possible ...
Philipp Kuhlmay


19:20 TYPO3 Core Task #104124 (New): Lit element for infobox should include iconName and disableIcon
In the Viewhelper @EXT:fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/Be/InfoboxViewHelper.php@ it is possible to set an *iconName* and to... Philipp Kuhlmay
19:16 TYPO3 Core Task #104123 (Resolved): EXT:styleguide examples for infobox should include the iconName
According to the @EXT:fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/Be/InfoboxViewHelper.php@ it is possible to set an *iconName* .
The ...
Philipp Kuhlmay

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