Johannes Nielsen
- Login: flykasual
- Registered on: 2020-04-06
- Last sign in: 2024-10-04
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 1 | 5 | 6 |
13:14 TYPO3 Core Bug #104422 (Under Review): Rename EXT:seo's parameter names
- The SEO extension uses the parameters @page@ and @sitemap@ to distinguish, respectively, what page of a particular si...
14:07 TYPO3 Core Bug #95541: Strange behavior of DataHandler regarding hard- and flag-delete with enableCascadingDelete
- This issue is still present in 12.4.15. Interestingly enough, the DataHandler seems to delete child records only in c...
11:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #103949 (Closed): ProcessedFile::getSize returns 0
- The method TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ProcessedFile::getSize declares its return type to be int. However, it calls paren...
06:25 TYPO3 Core Bug #101157 (Closed): Canonical tag incorrect in free mode
- In free mode, the canonical tag of pages which are not the root page is incorrect. Instead of the translated page's s...
08:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #100945: vendor/bin/setup fails if port is not passed as option and host is "localhost"
- Sybille Peters wrote in #note-4:
> > host, dbname and username also have default values. Would it make sense to make... -
06:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #100945: vendor/bin/setup fails if port is not passed as option and host is "localhost"
- host, dbname and username also have default values. Would it make sense to make those optional, too?
08:44 TYPO3 Core Bug #98081: ExtensionConfiguration API
- I do not think, the method is supposed to be called like that. The function signature and the doc block (https://gith...
10:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #100910 (Closed): It is impossible to include TypoScript after inclusion of static TypoScript file
- A typo in SysTemplateTreeBuilder (
09:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #100771: Nonce missing from all inline styles and javascript
- This extends to inline scripts and styles added using the `f:asset.script` and `f:asset.css` ViewHelpers, e.g. these ...
15:07 TYPO3 Core Bug #99370 (Closed): Users can never log in through pi based version of felogin
- Since 10.4.33 the FrontendUserAuthenticator Middleware expects storage pids for fe users to have a hash attached.
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