

Markus Eckert

  • Login: markus.eckert
  • Registered on: 2020-05-14
  • Last sign in: 2022-06-15


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 5 6



10:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #97777 (Needs Feedback): linkhandler config.recordLinks for news plugin (as example) not working if news article is translated
I use the LinkHandler API to provide the editor with the ability to link directly to news articles. In the default la... Markus Eckert


09:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #96809: After updating from 11.5.5 to 11.5.6 my image from the page properties is no longer rendered into the TypoScript HMENU
Thanks for your help and commitment! Markus Eckert
09:22 TYPO3 Core Bug #96809: After updating from 11.5.5 to 11.5.6 my image from the page properties is no longer rendered into the TypoScript HMENU
The base to my code was from here:
-> Bilder in MenĂ¼s
Markus Eckert
08:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #96809: After updating from 11.5.5 to 11.5.6 my image from the page properties is no longer rendered into the TypoScript HMENU
Hi Nikita,
Georg has modified my example code - i think for a better copy&paste debugging.
In my original code, t...
Markus Eckert


16:21 TYPO3 Core Bug #96809 (Closed): After updating from 11.5.5 to 11.5.6 my image from the page properties is no longer rendered into the TypoScript HMENU
Is this a bug in 11.5.6 or do I need to adjust something in my TypoScript to make it work again with 11.5.6?
Markus Eckert


21:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #96731: TYPO3 11.5 LTS - SPAM protected email links will not work if there is a child element clickable in the link.
Hi Georg, yes this solves the problem for me. Thanks a lot for fast help! Markus Eckert
14:01 TYPO3 Core Bug #96731 (Closed): TYPO3 11.5 LTS - SPAM protected email links will not work if there is a child element clickable in the link.
I have an email link according to the following structure:... Markus Eckert


14:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #96451 (Closed): TYPO3 10.4.22 / Replacing files in file list throws error: Call to undefined method Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Mysqli\MysqliStatement::fetchFirstColumn()
When trying to replace a file in the file list, the following error message appears:... Markus Eckert


13:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #92328: TYPO3 v9.5.21 - Renaming PDF files in filelist causes error: Data truncated for column 'height' at row 1
Georg Ringer wrote:
> this is a duplicate of #92287 and will be solved with
Markus Eckert
11:33 TYPO3 Core Bug #92328 (Closed): TYPO3 v9.5.21 - Renaming PDF files in filelist causes error: Data truncated for column 'height' at row 1
We have been informed by a customer that after TYPO3 Update from v9.5.20 to v9.5.21, renaming PDF files causes an err... Markus Eckert

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