

Benny Bachmann

  • Login: typo_user__
  • Registered on: 2020-12-30
  • Last sign in: 2021-05-31


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 2 5



18:02 TYPO3 Core Bug #93189: scheduler conflicts with argon2 password hashing
Yes, you can close this issue, thanks a lot for your help and support. You are right that the hosting environment is ... Benny Bachmann


08:32 TYPO3 Core Feature #93669: New TCA column type - Multiple input fields to csv values
I agree to the field seperation as the main goal is to simplify the configuration and your argument makes sense.
Benny Bachmann


11:34 TYPO3 Core Feature #93671 (Rejected): Integrating container extension into the core?
I want to suggest or upvote to integrate this container plugin Benny Bachmann
11:34 TYPO3 Core Feature #93670 (New): Better localization for other tables than tt_content and pages
As localization is a very powerful feature of typo3 it would be cool to have a better view for localization for other... Benny Bachmann
11:19 TYPO3 Core Feature #93669 (Accepted): New TCA column type - Multiple input fields to csv values
I request a feature related to TCA column select type. I currently use the select fields with their grouping function... Benny Bachmann


16:14 TYPO3 Core Feature #27391: Allow multiple formats/resolutions for media-content
What about creating a 1:n relation from sys_file_metadata to other sys_files. In sys_files a additional field for pic... Benny Bachmann


01:14 TYPO3 Core Bug #93189: scheduler conflicts with argon2 password hashing
Alright, I'm sorry for the late answer and my probably confusing situation, but I'm really struggling a bit since upd... Benny Bachmann


14:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #93350 (New): Simple Route Enhancer doesn't work anymore
Hey there,
Am I correct, that the simple route enhancers stopped working on version 10.4. At least my following conf...
Benny Bachmann


12:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #93189: scheduler conflicts with argon2 password hashing
Thanks for your answer. I currently have a lot of work to do and I'm still updating my custom extensions to work with... Benny Bachmann


11:04 TYPO3 Core Bug #93189 (Closed): scheduler conflicts with argon2 password hashing
Hey there,
it's my first bug report here in the forum, so please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong over here.
Benny Bachmann

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