

Rasmus Sallling

  • Login: rasmussalling
  • Registered on: 2022-06-27
  • Last sign in: 2024-05-27


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 2 4



15:10 TYPO3 Core Task #104038: Typoscript cache can become quite large
Makes sense, not sure I completely share the your apparent comfort with dynamically creating php code, but I can cert... Rasmus Sallling
10:27 TYPO3 Core Task #104038: Typoscript cache can become quite large
Patch is up now.
The patch just contains the raw changes to convert it from a code cache to a data cache.
But I...
Rasmus Sallling
08:14 TYPO3 Core Task #104038 (Under Review): Typoscript cache can become quite large
In our setup the typoscript cache gets quite large. We're seeing ~10MB cache size.
This is not a huge issue if you'r...
Rasmus Sallling


07:20 TYPO3 Core Bug #103932 (New): getRecoveryCodes mfa fallback provider is always loaded in Frontend mode
I've been looking into the performance of TYPO3v12 and spotted some behavior of the MFA logic that seems dubious.
Rasmus Sallling


10:48 TYPO3 Core Bug #98123 (Closed): Use best/strongest settings available in PasswordHashing
I recently had to do a dive into the TYPO3 password hashing code (TYPO3\CMS\Core\Crypto\PasswordHashing), because of ... Rasmus Sallling


10:44 TYPO3 Core Task #97815 (Closed): Excessive logging in TypoScriptFrontendController set_no_cache
We're seeing an excessive amount of set_no_cache triggered warnings, caused by setting no_cache.
See the code in q...
Rasmus Sallling

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