

Soren Malling

  • Login: sorenmalling
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  • Registered on: 2008-07-28
  • Last sign in: 2024-06-28


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 3 3
Reported issues 3 61 64



09:02 TYPO3 Core Feature #103600 (New): Separate Status to a specific report
The reports extension allows a administrator to see a report of the system.
It allows a integrator to create a statu...
Soren Malling


13:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #102332: config/system/settings.php is not writable error in Install Tool after Upgrade to TYPO3 v 12.4.7
I've found it happening because of missing EXTCONF values of installed extensions, so TYPO3 silently writes them when... Soren Malling


13:10 TYPO3 Core Task #102263 (Resolved): Return string version of Stringable objects in DataMapper::getPlainValue
Applied in changeset commit:d5043eb1214e40134f588eb16fe6174b0bee8984. Soren Malling
09:39 TYPO3 Core Task #102263 (Closed): Return string version of Stringable objects in DataMapper::getPlainValue
The DataMapper::getPlainValue expects a object to be a instance of TypeInterface in order to return a plain value.
Soren Malling
13:07 TYPO3 Core Revision f176c5ff: [TASK] Return __toString value from objects in DataMapper::getPlainValue
See if a object is a instance of \Stringable aswell as a TypeInterface.
TypeInterface implements the __toString meth...
Soren Malling
13:07 TYPO3 Core Revision d5043eb1: [TASK] Return __toString value from objects in DataMapper::getPlainValue
See if a object is a instance of \Stringable aswell as a TypeInterface.
TypeInterface implements the __toString meth...
Soren Malling


15:35 TYPO3 Core Bug #87884: Root page of page tree suddenly gets slug "/1"
Just pasting the findings me and Oliver found during a walkthrough of the issue.
Here is what came to my mind dur...
Soren Malling
10:12 TYPO3 Core Bug #87884: Root page of page tree suddenly gets slug "/1"
... Soren Malling


15:38 TYPO3 Core Bug #87884: Root page of page tree suddenly gets slug "/1"
In some cases the root page gets the slug "/1" after editing page properties and sometimes without doing so....
Soren Malling
15:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #87884 (Closed): Root page of page tree suddenly gets slug "/1"
This is a issue created for Benni Mack to follow up on a Slack conversation
Soren Malling

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