



Bug #23957


nested XMENU_LAYERS and the typo3temp *.js caching bug

Added by Janos over 13 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

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The bug occured when i tried to fix the typo3temp bug (0012376).

I've created an nested XMENU_LAERS navigation. With an GMENU_LAYERS on level 1 an TMENU_LAYERS on level 2 and level 3 an TMENU.

For each solution i tried i had the result that the level 3 TMENU didn't disapear.

First i tried to avoid this bug like in description of Bug (0012376) by setting an layer_menu_id for level 1 and 2.
Result: Serverside looks fine, only on *.js file for varius requests. But level 3 didn't disapear.:-(

After that i set the layer_menu_id only for level 1.
Result: Frontend looks fine (level 3 disapear) but for each request i had 2 new *.js files.

After that i checked out the solution 4_4 rev 9037 described in the last notice of bug (0012376). Without set an layer_menu_id for each level.
Result: The sam e as in the first test, only on *.js file for varius requests. But level 3 didn't disapear.

Those are only a short excerpt of my try.
Task 0012376 seemed to me the best approach. Cause it is marked as resolved and commited to trunk.
I also tried a lot with the TMANU_LAYER parameters and configuration.

To retrace i'll attache the ts-code in text file.

I am grateful for any help
(issue imported from #M16268)


nested_XMENU_LAYERS.txt (2.17 KB) nested_XMENU_LAYERS.txt Administrator Admin, 2010-11-05 18:06

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #21388: typo3temp got filled with thousands of javascript_* filesRejected2009-10-28

Actions #1

Updated by Janos over 13 years ago

I took a look to the HTML-source and it seems to me that there is a problem with ID's.
The second level containing duplicate ID entries. So js could not work proper.

<div id="Menu3c23440"
<div id="Menu3c23442"
<div id="Menu3c23443"
<div id="Menu3c23444"
<div id="Menu3c23440"
<div id="Menu3c23441"
<div id="Menu3c23440"

Actions #2

Updated by Janos over 13 years ago

I think I've found a bug with nested XMENU_LAYERS, described abowe, resulting from commit to svn of task

I'm not shure if i handle nested XMENU_LAYERS right, but with this commit my menu wount work anymore.

So I'm a liitle affraid for the next T3 update.

It would be good to someone who could even think of this case.

Actions #3

Updated by Peter Kraume over 13 years ago

I can confirm this issue. The 3rd menu level is broken after the update.

I get this JavaScript error message:

GLV_menuXY[WMid][id] is undefined

Actions #4

Updated by Christian Kuhn about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Target version deleted (0)

With 6.1 issue #46358, the _layers menus where moved to statictemplates, and statictemplates was removed from core afterwards. This issue won't be solved in the core anymore.


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