


Bug #19277 ยป rtehtmlarea_bugfix_9277.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-09-14 00:00

View differences:

typo3/sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/htmlarea.js (copie de travail)
HTMLArea.is_ie = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && !HTMLArea.is_opera;
HTMLArea.is_safari = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("webkit") != -1);
HTMLArea.is_gecko = (navigator.product == "Gecko") || HTMLArea.is_opera;
HTMLArea.is_chrome = HTMLArea.is_safari && (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("chrome") != -1);
// Check on MacOS Wamcom version 1.3 but exclude Firefox rv
HTMLArea.is_wamcom = (HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("wamcom") != -1) || (HTMLArea.is_gecko && HTMLArea.agt.indexOf("1.3") != -1 && HTMLArea.agt.indexOf(".1.3") == -1);
* @return void
resize : function (noResize) {
// resize if allowed
// Resize if allowed
var dialogWindow = this.dialogWindow;
var doc = dialogWindow.document;
var content = doc.getElementById("content");
if ((HTMLArea.is_gecko && !HTMLArea.is_opera && !HTMLArea.is_safari) || (HTMLArea.is_opera && content)) {
// As of Google Chrome build 1798, window resizeTo and resizeBy are completely erratic: do nothing
if ((HTMLArea.is_gecko && !HTMLArea.is_opera && !HTMLArea.is_safari) || ((HTMLArea.is_ie || HTMLArea.is_opera || (HTMLArea.is_safari && !HTMLArea.is_chrome)) && content)) {
var self = this;
setTimeout( function() {
try {
if (!noResize) {
if (!noResize) {
if (content) {
} else if (dialogWindow.sizeToContent) {
} catch(e) {
// center on parent if allowed
var x = dialogWindow.opener.screenX + (dialogWindow.opener.outerWidth - dialogWindow.outerWidth) / 2;
var y = dialogWindow.opener.screenY + (dialogWindow.opener.outerHeight - dialogWindow.outerHeight) / 2;
try {
dialogWindow.moveTo(x, y);
} catch(e) { }
}, 25);
} else {
} else if (!noResize) {
var body = doc.body;
var innerX, innerY;
if (dialogWindow.innerHeight) {
// all except Explorer
innerX = dialogWindow.innerWidth;
innerY = dialogWindow.innerHeight;
} else if (doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.clientHeight) {
// Explorer 6 Strict Mode
innerX = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
innerY = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else {
// other Explorers
innerX = body.clientWidth;
innerY = body.clientHeight;
if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
var innerX = (doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.clientWidth) ? doc.documentElement.clientWidth : body.clientWidth;
var innerY = (doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.clientHeight) ? doc.documentElement.clientHeight : body.clientHeight;
var pageY = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight);
if (innerY == pageY) {
dialogWindow.resizeTo(body.scrollWidth, body.scrollHeight + 80);
} else {
dialogWindow.resizeBy((innerX < body.scrollWidth) ? (Math.max(body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth) - innerX) : 0, (body.scrollHeight - body.offsetHeight));
// As of Google Chrome build 1798, window resizeTo and resizeBy are completely erratic: do nothing
} else if ((HTMLArea.is_safari && !HTMLArea.is_chrome) || HTMLArea.is_opera) {
dialogWindow.resizeTo(dialogWindow.innerWidth, body.offsetHeight + 10);
if (dialogWindow.innerHeight < body.scrollHeight) {
dialogWindow.resizeBy(0, (body.scrollHeight - dialogWindow.innerHeight) + 10);
var pageY = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight);
if (innerY == pageY) {
dialogWindow.resizeTo(body.scrollWidth, body.scrollHeight+75);
} else {
dialogWindow.resizeBy(Math.max(body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth) - innerX, pageY - innerY);
// center on parent if allowed
var W = body.offsetWidth;
var H = body.offsetHeight;
var x = (screen.availWidth - W) / 2;
var y = (screen.availHeight - H) / 2;
dialogWindow.moveTo(x, y);
} else {
* Resize the Opera dialog window to its contents, based on size of content div
* @param object content: reference to the div section containing the contents of the dialog window
* @param object content: reference to the div (may also be form) section containing the contents of the dialog window
* @return void
* Center the dialogue window on the parent window
* @return void
centerOnParent : function () {
var dialogWindow = this.dialogWindow;
var doc = dialogWindow.document;
var body = doc.body;
// Center on parent if allowed
if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
var x = dialogWindow.opener.screenX + (dialogWindow.opener.outerWidth - dialogWindow.outerWidth) / 2;
var y = dialogWindow.opener.screenY + (dialogWindow.opener.outerHeight - dialogWindow.outerHeight) / 2;
} else {
var W = body.offsetWidth;
var H = body.offsetHeight;
var x = (screen.availWidth - W) / 2;
var y = (screen.availHeight - H) / 2;
// As of build 1798, Google Chrome moveTo breaks the window dimensions: do nothing
if (!HTMLArea.is_chrome) {
try {
dialogWindow.moveTo(x, y);
} catch(e) { }
* Perform the action function when the dialog end
* @return void