


Bug #19357 ยป 20080919_fyi_array_cleanup.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-09-19 18:43

View differences:

typo3/sysext/cms/tbl_cms.php (working copy)
// FrontEnd users - login on the website
// ******************************************************************
$TCA['fe_users'] = Array (
$TCA['fe_users'] = array(
'ctrl' => $TCA['fe_users']['ctrl'],
'interface' => Array (
'interface' => array(
'showRecordFieldList' => 'username,password,usergroup,lockToDomain,name,title,company,address,zip,city,country,email,www,telephone,fax,disable,starttime,endtime'
'feInterface' => $TCA['fe_users']['feInterface'],
'columns' => Array (
'username' => Array (
'columns' => array(
'username' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:fe_users.username',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'max' => '50',
'eval' => 'nospace,lower,uniqueInPid,required'
'password' => Array (
'password' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:fe_users.password',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '10',
'max' => '40',
'eval' => 'nospace,required,password'
'usergroup' => Array (
'usergroup' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:fe_users.usergroup',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'fe_groups',
'size' => '6',
'maxitems' => '50'
'lockToDomain' => Array (
'lockToDomain' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:fe_users.lockToDomain',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'softref' => 'substitute'
'name' => Array (
'name' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '40',
'eval' => 'trim',
'max' => '80'
'address' => Array (
'address' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.address',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'cols' => '20',
'rows' => '3'
'telephone' => Array (
'telephone' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'eval' => 'trim',
'size' => '20',
'max' => '20'
'fax' => Array (
'fax' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.fax',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'max' => '20'
'email' => Array (
'email' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'max' => '80'
'title' => Array (
'title' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.title_person',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'max' => '40'
'zip' => Array (
'zip' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'eval' => 'trim',
'size' => '10',
'max' => '10'
'city' => Array (
'city' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'max' => '50'
'country' => Array (
'country' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'max' => '40'
'www' => Array (
'www' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.www',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'eval' => 'trim',
'size' => '20',
'max' => '80'
'company' => Array (
'company' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'eval' => 'trim',
'size' => '20',
'max' => '80'
'image' => Array (
'image' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.image',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'group',
'internal_type' => 'file',
'allowed' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext'],
'minitems' => '0'
'disable' => Array (
'disable' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.disable',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check'
'starttime' => Array (
'starttime' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.starttime',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '8',
'max' => '20',
'checkbox' => '0'
'endtime' => Array (
'endtime' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.endtime',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '8',
'max' => '20',
'eval' => 'date',
'checkbox' => '0',
'default' => '0',
'range' => Array (
'range' => array(
'upper' => mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2020),
'TSconfig' => Array (
'TSconfig' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'TSconfig:',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'cols' => '40',
'rows' => '10',
'wizards' => Array(
'wizards' => array(
'_PADDING' => 4,
'0' => Array(
'0' => array(
# 'type' => t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('tsconfig_help')?'popup':'',
'title' => 'TSconfig QuickReference',
'title' => 'TSconfig QuickReference',
'script' => 'wizard_tsconfig.php?mode=fe_users',
'icon' => 'wizard_tsconfig.gif',
'icon' => 'wizard_tsconfig.gif',
'JSopenParams' => 'height=500,width=780,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1',
'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font : enable-tab',
'types' => Array (
'0' => Array('showitem' => '
'types' => array(
'0' => array('showitem' => '
disable,username;;;;1-1-1, password, usergroup,
--div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:fe_users.tabs.personelData, name;;1;;1-1-1, address, zip, city, country, telephone, fax, email, www, image;;;;2-2-2,
--div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:fe_users.tabs.options, lockToDomain;;;;1-1-1, TSconfig;;;;2-2-2,
'palettes' => Array (
'1' => Array('showitem' => 'title,company')
'palettes' => array(
'1' => array('showitem' => 'title,company')
// FrontEnd usergroups - Membership of these determines access to elements
// ******************************************************************
$TCA['fe_groups'] = Array (
$TCA['fe_groups'] = array(
'ctrl' => $TCA['fe_groups']['ctrl'],
'interface' => Array (
'interface' => array(
'showRecordFieldList' => 'title,hidden,subgroup,lockToDomain,description'
'columns' => Array (
'hidden' => Array (
'columns' => array(
'hidden' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.disable',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check',
'default' => '0'
'title' => Array (
'title' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:fe_groups.title',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'max' => '50',
'eval' => 'trim,required'
'subgroup' => Array (
'subgroup' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:fe_groups.subgroup',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'fe_groups',
'foreign_table_where' => 'AND NOT(fe_groups.uid = ###THIS_UID###) AND fe_groups.hidden=0 ORDER BY fe_groups.title',
'maxitems' => 20
'lockToDomain' => Array (
'lockToDomain' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:fe_groups.lockToDomain',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'checkbox' => ''
'description' => Array (
'description' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.description',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'rows' => 5,
'cols' => 48
'TSconfig' => Array (
'TSconfig' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'TSconfig:',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'cols' => '40',
'rows' => '10',
'wizards' => Array(
'wizards' => array(
'_PADDING' => 4,
'0' => Array(
'0' => array(
# 'type' => t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('tsconfig_help')?'popup':'',
'title' => 'TSconfig QuickReference',
'script' => 'wizard_tsconfig.php?mode=fe_users',
'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font : enable-tab',
'types' => Array (
'0' => Array('showitem' => '
'types' => array(
'0' => array('showitem' => '
--div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:fe_groups.tabs.options, lockToDomain;;;;1-1-1, TSconfig;;;;2-2-2,
// ******************************************************************
// sys_domain
// ******************************************************************
$TCA['sys_domain'] = Array (
$TCA['sys_domain'] = array(
'ctrl' => $TCA['sys_domain']['ctrl'],
'interface' => Array (
'interface' => array(
'showRecordFieldList' => 'hidden,domainName,redirectTo'
'columns' => Array (
'domainName' => Array (
'columns' => array(
'domainName' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:sys_domain.domainName',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '35',
'max' => '80',
'softref' => 'substitute'
'redirectTo' => Array (
'redirectTo' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:sys_domain.redirectTo',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '35',
'max' => '120',
'softref' => 'substitute'
'hidden' => Array (
'hidden' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.disable',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check',
'default' => '0'
'prepend_params' => Array (
'prepend_params' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.php:sys_domain.prepend_params',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check',
'default' => '0'
'types' => Array (
'1' => Array('showitem' => 'hidden;;;;1-1-1,domainName;;1;;3-3-3,prepend_params')
'types' => array(
'1' => array('showitem' => 'hidden;;;;1-1-1,domainName;;1;;3-3-3,prepend_params')
'palettes' => Array (
'1' => Array('showitem' => 'redirectTo')
'palettes' => array(
'1' => array('showitem' => 'redirectTo')
// ******************************************************************
// pages_language_overlay
// ******************************************************************
$TCA['pages_language_overlay'] = Array (
$TCA['pages_language_overlay'] = array(
'ctrl' => $TCA['pages_language_overlay']['ctrl'],
'interface' => Array (
'interface' => array(
'showRecordFieldList' => 'title,hidden,starttime,endtime,keywords,description,abstract'
'columns' => Array (
'hidden' => Array (
'columns' => array(
'hidden' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.hidden',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check',
'default' => '0'
'starttime' => Array (
'starttime' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.starttime',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '8',
'max' => '20',
'default' => '0'
'endtime' => Array (
'endtime' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.endtime',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '8',
'max' => '20',
'eval' => 'date',
'checkbox' => '0',
'default' => '0',
'range' => Array (
'range' => array(
'upper' => mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2020),
'title' => Array (
'title' => array(
'l10n_mode' => 'prefixLangTitle',
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['title']['label'],
'l10n_cat' => 'text',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '30',
'max' => '256',
'eval' => 'required'
'subtitle' => Array (
'subtitle' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'l10n_cat' => 'text',
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['subtitle']['label'],
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '30',
'max' => '256',
'eval' => ''
'nav_title' => Array (
'nav_title' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'l10n_cat' => 'text',
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['nav_title']['label'],
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '30',
'max' => '256',
'eval' => 'trim'
'keywords' => Array (
'keywords' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['keywords']['label'],
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'cols' => '40',
'rows' => '3'
'description' => Array (
'description' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['description']['label'],
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '40',
'eval' => 'trim'
'abstract' => Array (
'abstract' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['abstract']['label'],
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'cols' => '40',
'rows' => '3'
'author' => Array (
'author' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['author']['label'],
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'max' => '80'
'author_email' => Array (
'author_email' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['author_email']['label'],
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '20',
'eval' => 'trim',
'max' => '80'
'media' => Array (
'media' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['media']['label'],
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'group',
'internal_type' => 'file',
'allowed' => $TCA['pages']['columns']['media']['config']['allowed'],
'minitems' => '0'
'sys_language_uid' => Array (
'sys_language_uid' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.language',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'sys_language',
'foreign_table_where' => 'ORDER BY sys_language.title',
'items' => Array(
'items' => array(
'tx_impexp_origuid' => Array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough')),
'l18n_diffsource' => Array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough')),
't3ver_label' => Array (
'tx_impexp_origuid' => array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough')),
'l18n_diffsource' => array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough')),
't3ver_label' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.versionLabel',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '30',
'max' => '30',
'types' => Array (
'0' => Array('showitem' => 'hidden;;;;1-1-1, sys_language_uid, title;;;;2-2-2, subtitle, nav_title, --div--, abstract;;5;;3-3-3, keywords, description, media;;;;4-4-4')
'types' => array(
'0' => array('showitem' => 'hidden;;;;1-1-1, sys_language_uid, title;;;;2-2-2, subtitle, nav_title, --div--, abstract;;5;;3-3-3, keywords, description, media;;;;4-4-4')
'palettes' => Array (
'1' => Array('showitem' => 'starttime,endtime'),
'5' => Array('showitem' => 'author,author_email')
'palettes' => array(
'1' => array('showitem' => 'starttime,endtime'),
'5' => array('showitem' => 'author,author_email')
// ******************************************************************
// sys_template
// ******************************************************************
$TCA['sys_template'] = Array (
$TCA['sys_template'] = array(
'ctrl' => $TCA['sys_template']['ctrl'],
'interface' => Array (
'interface' => array(
'showRecordFieldList' => 'title,clear,root,include_static,basedOn,nextLevel,resources,sitetitle,description,hidden,starttime,endtime'
'columns' => Array (
'title' => Array (
'columns' => array(
'title' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.title',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '25',
'max' => '256',
'eval' => 'required'
'hidden' => Array (
'hidden' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.disable',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check',
'default' => '0'
'starttime' => Array (
'starttime' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.starttime',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '8',
'max' => '20',
'default' => '0'
'endtime' => Array (
'endtime' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.endtime',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '8',
'max' => '20',
'eval' => 'date',
'checkbox' => '0',
'default' => '0',
'range' => Array (
'range' => array(
'upper' => mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2020),
'root' => Array (
'root' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.root',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check'
'clear' => Array (
'clear' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.clear',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check',
'items' => Array (
Array('Constants', ''),
Array('Setup', '')
'items' => array(
array('Constants', ''),
array('Setup', '')
'cols' => 2
'sitetitle' => Array (
'sitetitle' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.sitetitle',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '25',
'max' => '256'
'constants' => Array (
'constants' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.constants',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'cols' => '48',
'rows' => '10',
'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font : enable-tab',
'resources' => Array (
'resources' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.resources',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'group',
'internal_type' => 'file',
'allowed' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext'].',html,htm,ttf,pfb,pfm,txt,css,tmpl,inc,ico,js,xml',
'minitems' => '0'
'nextLevel' => Array (
'nextLevel' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.nextLevel',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'group',
'internal_type' => 'db',
'allowed' => 'sys_template',
'default' => ''
'include_static' => Array (
'include_static' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.include_static',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'static_template',
'foreign_table_where' => 'ORDER BY static_template.title DESC',
'default' => '',
'include_static_file' => Array(
'include_static_file' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.include_static_file',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'size' => 10,
'maxitems' => 100,
'items' => Array (
'items' => array(
'softref' => 'ext_fileref'
'basedOn' => Array (
'basedOn' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.basedOn',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'group',
'internal_type' => 'db',
'allowed' => 'sys_template',
'autoSizeMax' => 10,
'minitems' => '0',
'default' => '',
'wizards' => Array(
'wizards' => array(
'_PADDING' => 4,
'_VERTICAL' => 1,
'edit' => Array(
'edit' => array(
'type' => 'popup',
'title' => 'Edit template',
'script' => 'wizard_edit.php',
'icon' => 'edit2.gif',
'JSopenParams' => 'height=350,width=580,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1',
'add' => Array(
'add' => array(
'type' => 'script',
'title' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.basedOn_add',
'icon' => 'add.gif',
'params' => Array(
'params' => array(
'pid' => '###CURRENT_PID###',
'setValue' => 'prepend'
'includeStaticAfterBasedOn' => Array (
'includeStaticAfterBasedOn' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.includeStaticAfterBasedOn',
'exclude' => 1,
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'check',
'default' => '0'
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.config',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'rows' => 10,
'cols' => 48,
'wizards' => Array(
'wizards' => array(
'_PADDING' => 4,
'0' => Array(
'0' => array(
# 'type' => t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('tsconfig_help')?'popup':'',
'title' => 'TSref online',
'script' => 'wizard_tsconfig.php?mode=tsref',
'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font : enable-tab',
'editorcfg' => Array (
'editorcfg' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.editorcfg',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'rows' => 8,
'cols' => 48,
'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font : enable-tab',
'description' => Array (
'description' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.description',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'rows' => 5,
'cols' => 48
'static_file_mode' => Array (
'static_file_mode' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.static_file_mode',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'items' => Array (
Array('Default (Include before if Root-flag is set)', '0'),
Array('Always include before this template record', '1'),
Array('Never include before this template record', '2'),
'items' => array(
array('Default (Include before if Root-flag is set)', '0'),
array('Always include before this template record', '1'),
array('Never include before this template record', '2'),
'default' => '0'
'tx_impexp_origuid' => Array('config'=>array('type'=>'passthrough')),
't3ver_label' => Array (
'tx_impexp_origuid' => array('config' => array('type' => 'passthrough')),
't3ver_label' => array(
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.versionLabel',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '30',
'max' => '30',
'max' => '30',
'types' => Array (
'1' => Array('showitem' => '
'types' => array(
'1' => array('showitem' => '
hidden,title;;1;;2-2-2, sitetitle, constants;;;;3-3-3, config, description;;;;4-4-4,
--div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.tabs.options, clear, root, nextLevel, editorcfg;;;;5-5-5,
--div--;LLL:EXT:cms/locallang_tca.xml:sys_template.tabs.include, include_static,includeStaticAfterBasedOn,6-6-6, include_static_file, basedOn, static_file_mode,
// ******************************************************************
// static_template
// ******************************************************************
$TCA['static_template'] = Array (
$TCA['static_template'] = array(
'ctrl' => $TCA['static_template']['ctrl'],
'interface' => Array (
'interface' => array(
'showRecordFieldList' => 'title,include_static,description'
'columns' => Array (
'title' => Array (
'columns' => array(
'title' => array(
'label' => 'Template title:',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'input',
'size' => '25',
'max' => '256',
'eval' => 'required'
'constants' => Array (
'constants' => array(
'label' => 'Constants:',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'cols' => '48',
'rows' => '10',
'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font : enable-tab',
'include_static' => Array (
'include_static' => array(
'label' => 'Include static:',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'static_template',
'foreign_table_where' => 'ORDER BY static_template.title',
'default' => ''
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'label' => 'Setup:',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'rows' => 10,
'cols' => 48,
'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font : enable-tab',
'editorcfg' => Array (
'editorcfg' => array(
'label' => 'Backend Editor Configuration:',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'rows' => 4,
'cols' => 48,
'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font : enable-tab',
'description' => Array (
'description' => array(
'label' => 'Description:',
'config' => Array (
'config' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'rows' => 10,
'cols' => 48
'types' => Array (
'1' => Array('showitem' => 'title;;;;2-2-2, constants;;;;3-3-3, config, include_static;;;;5-5-5, description;;;;5-5-5, editorcfg')
'types' => array(
'1' => array('showitem' => 'title;;;;2-2-2, constants;;;;3-3-3, config, include_static;;;;5-5-5, description;;;;5-5-5, editorcfg')