


Feature #19497 » 0009625_followup.patch

Administrator Admin, 2008-11-06 00:32

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_extmgm.php (Arbeitskopie)
* Compares an existing list of items and a list of items to be inserted
* and returns a duplicate-free variant of that insertion list.
* Example:
* + list: 'field_a, field_b;;;;2-2-2, field_c;;;;3-3-3'
* + insertion: 'field_b, field_d, field_c;;;4-4-4'
* -> new insertion: 'field_d'
* @param string $list: The list of items to be extended
* @param string $insertionList: The list of items to inserted
* @return string Duplicate-free list of items to be inserted
protected static function removeDuplicatesForInsertion($list, $insertionList) {
$pattern = '/(^|,)\s*([^,]+)\b[^,]*(,|$)/';
$pattern = '/(^|,)\s*\b([^;,]+)\b[^,]*/';
if ($list && preg_match_all($pattern, $list, $listMatches)) {
if ($insertionList && preg_match_all($pattern, $insertionList, $insertionListMatches)) {
$duplicate = preg_quote($duplicate, '/');
$insertionList = preg_replace(
array('/(^|,)\s*(' . implode('|', $duplicates) . ')\b[^,]*(,|$)/', ',$'),
array('/(^|,)\s*\b(' . implode('|', $duplicates) . ')\b[^,]*(,|$)/', '/,$/'),
array('\3', ''),