


Bug #19829 » 10144_v5.patch

Administrator Admin, 2009-03-11 14:11

View differences:

typo3/template.php (working copy)
var $sectionFlag=0; // Internal: Indicates if a <div>-output section is open
var $divClass = ''; // (Default) Class for wrapping <DIV>-tag of page. Is set in class extensions.
// internal flags for JS-libraries
protected $addPrototype = false;
protected $addScriptaculousModules = array(
'builder' => false,
'effects' => false,
'dragdrop' => false,
'controls' => false,
'slider' => false
protected $addExtJS = false;
protected $addExtJSdebug = false;
* Constructor
* Imports relevant parts from global $TBE_STYLES (colorscheme)
'.implode("\n", $this->JScodeLibArray).'
' . $this->renderJSlibraries() . '
'.$this->wrapScriptTags(implode("\n", $this->JScodeArray)).
($this->extJsCode ? $this->wrapScriptTags('Ext.onReady(function() {' . chr(10) . $this->extJsCode . chr(10) . '});') : '') .
function loadJavascriptLib($lib) {
if (!isset($this->JScodeLibArray[$lib])) {
$this->JScodeLibArray[$lib] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->backPath.$lib.'"></script>';
$this->JScodeLibArray[$lib] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->backPath . $lib . '"></script>';
* @param string $lib it will remove lib from general JScodeLibArray because lib is loaded already.
protected function removeJavascriptLib($lib) {
if (count($this->JScodeLibArray)) {
$scripts = array_keys($this->JScodeLibArray);
foreach ($scripts as $script) {
if (strpos($script, '/' . $lib . '/') !== false) {
unset ($this->JScodeLibArray[$script]);
* Includes the necessary Javascript function for the clickmenu (context sensitive menus) in the document
* @return array Deprecated: Includes the code already in the doc, so the return array is always empty.
* Please just call this function without expecting a return value for future calls
function getContextMenuCode() {
$this->JScodeArray['clickmenu'] = '
* @return array If values are present: [0] = A <script> section for the HTML page header, [1] = onmousemove/onload handler for HTML tag or alike, [2] = One empty <div> layer for the follow-mouse drag element
function getDragDropCode($table) {
function setModuleTemplate($filename) {
// Load Prototype lib for IE event
$this->moduleTemplate = $this->getHtmlTemplate($filename);
$pageInfo = $theIcon . '<em>[pid: ' . $pageRecord['uid'] . ']</em>';
return $pageInfo;
* Following functions are help function for JS library include.
* They enable loading the libraries prototype, scriptaculous and extJS from contrib-directory
* Function for render the JS-libraries in header
* Load order is prototype / scriptaculous / extJS
protected function renderJSlibraries() {
$libs = array();
// include prototype
if ($this->addPrototype) {
$libs[] = 'contrib/prototype/prototype.js';
// remove prototype from JScodeLibArray
// include scriptaculous
if ($this->addScriptaculous) {
$mods = array();
foreach ($this->addScriptaculousModules as $key => $value) {
if ($this->addScriptaculousModules[$key]) {
$mods[] = $key;
// resolve dependencies
if (in_array('dragdrop', $mods) || in_array('controls', $mods)) {
$mods = array_merge(array('effects'), $mods);
if (count($mods)) {
$moduleLoadString = '?load=' . implode(',', $mods);
$libs[] = 'contrib/scriptaculous/scriptaculous.js' . $moduleLoadString;
// remove scriptaculous from JScodeLibArray
// include extJS
if ($this->addExtJS) {
// if prototype is loaded, then use the prototype adapter, otherwise the default one
if ($this->addPrototype) {
$libs[] = 'contrib/extjs/adapter/prototype/ext-prototype-adapter.js';
} else {
$libs[] = 'contrib/extjs/adapter/ext/ext-base.js';
$libs[] = 'contrib/extjs/ext-all' . ($this->addExtJSdebug ? '-debug' : '') . '.js';
// add extJS localization
$extJsLocaleFile = 'contrib/extjs/locale/ext-lang-' . $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['lang'] . '.js';
if (file_exists(PATH_typo3 . $extJsLocaleFile)) {
$libs[] = $extJsLocaleFile;
// set clear.gif
$this->extJScode .= 'Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = "' . htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::locationHeaderUrl('gfx/clear.gif')) . '";';
// remove extjs from JScodeLibArray
foreach ($libs as &$lib) {
$lib = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->backPath . $lib . '"></script>';
// add other JavascriptLibs and return it
$libs = array_merge($libs, $this->JScodeLibArray);
return count($libs) ? chr(10) . chr(10) . implode(chr(10), $libs) . chr(10) . chr(10) : '';
* call function if you need the prototype library
public function loadPrototype() {
$this->addPrototype = true;
* call function if you need the Scriptaculous library
* @param string $modules add modules you need. use "all" if you need complete modules
public function loadScriptaculous($modules) {
// Scriptaculous require prototype, so load prototype too.
$this->addPrototype = true;
$this->addScriptaculous = true;
if ($modules) {
if ($modules == 'all') {
foreach ($this->addScriptaculousModules as $key => $value) {
$this->addScriptaculousModules[$key] = true;
} else {
$mods = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $modules);
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
if (isset($this->addScriptaculousModules[strtolower($mod)])) {
$this->addScriptaculousModules[strtolower($mod)] = true;
* call this function if you need the extJS library
* @param string $css
public function loadExtJS($css = true, $theme = true) {
if (!$this->addExtJS) {
$this->addExtJS = true;
if ($css) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['extJS']['all'])) {
$this->addStyleSheet('ext-all', $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['extJS']['all']);
} else {
$this->addStyleSheet('ext-all', $this->backPath . 'contrib/extjs/resources/css/ext-all.css');
if ($theme) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['extJS']['theme'])) {
$this->addStyleSheet('ext-theme', $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['extJS']['theme']);
} else {
$this->addStyleSheet('ext-theme', $this->backPath . 'contrib/extjs/resources/css/xtheme-gray.css');
* call this function to load debug version of extJS. Use this for development only
public function setExtJSdebug() {
$this->addExtJSdebug = true;