


Bug #20133 » memcachedbackend_tests.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-03-05 22:07

View differences:

tests/t3lib/cache/backend/t3lib_cache_backend_memcachedbackendtestcase.php (revision 0)
* Copyright notice
* (c) 2009 Ingo Renner <>
* All rights reserved
* This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
* free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The GNU General Public License can be found at
* This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
// TODO implement autoloading so that we only require stuff we really need
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'class.t3lib_cache.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/backend/interfaces/interface.t3lib_cache_backend_backend.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/frontend/interfaces/interface.t3lib_cache_frontend_frontend.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/backend/class.t3lib_cache_backend_abstractbackend.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/frontend/class.t3lib_cache_frontend_abstractfrontend.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/class.t3lib_cache_exception.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/class.t3lib_cache_factory.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/class.t3lib_cache_manager.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/frontend/class.t3lib_cache_frontend_variablefrontend.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/exception/class.t3lib_cache_exception_classalreadyloaded.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/exception/class.t3lib_cache_exception_duplicateidentifier.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/exception/class.t3lib_cache_exception_invalidbackend.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/exception/class.t3lib_cache_exception_invalidcache.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/exception/class.t3lib_cache_exception_invaliddata.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/exception/class.t3lib_cache_exception_nosuchcache.php');
require_once(PATH_t3lib . 'cache/backend/class.t3lib_cache_backend_memcachedbackend.php');
* Testcase for the cache to memcached backend
* This file is a backport from FLOW3
* @author Ingo Renner <>
* @package TYPO3
* @subpackage tests
* @version $Id$
class t3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackendTestCase extends tx_phpunit_testcase {
* Sets up this testcase
* @return void
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
* @author Ingo Renner <>
public function setUp() {
if (!extension_loaded('memcache')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('memcache extension was not available');
try {
fsockopen('localhost', 11211);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->markTestSkipped('memcached not reachable');
* @test
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
* @author Ingo Renner <>
* @expectedException t3lib_cache_Exception
public function setThrowsExceptionIfNoFrontEndHasBeenSet() {
$backendOptions = array('servers' => array('localhost:11211'));
$backend = new t3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend($backendOptions);
$data = 'Some data';
$identifier = 'MyIdentifier';
$backend->set($identifier, $data);
* @test
* @author Robert Lemke <>
* @author Ingo Renner <>
* @expectedException t3lib_cache_Exception
public function constructorThrowsExceptionIfNoMemcacheServerIsConfigured() {
$backend = new t3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend();
* @test
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
* @author Ingo Renner <>
* @expectedException t3lib_cache_Exception
public function setThrowsExceptionIfConfiguredServersAreUnreachable() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend(array('servers' => array('julle.did.this:1234')));
$data = 'Somedata';
$identifier = 'MyIdentifier';
$backend->set($identifier, $data);
* @test
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
public function itIsPossibleToSetAndCheckExistenceInCache() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = 'Some data';
$identifier = 'MyIdentifier';
$backend->set($identifier, $data);
$inCache = $backend->has($identifier);
$this->assertTrue($inCache, 'Memcache failed to set and check entry');
* @test
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
public function itIsPossibleToSetAndGetEntry() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = 'Some data';
$identifier = 'MyIdentifier';
$backend->set($identifier, $data);
$fetchedData = $backend->get($identifier);
$this->assertEquals($data, $fetchedData, 'Memcache failed to set and retrieve data');
* @test
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
public function itIsPossibleToRemoveEntryFromCache() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = 'Some data';
$identifier = 'MyIdentifier';
$backend->set($identifier, $data);
$inCache = $backend->has($identifier);
$this->assertFalse($inCache, 'Failed to set and remove data from Memcache');
* @test
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
public function itIsPossibleToOverwriteAnEntryInTheCache() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = 'Some data';
$identifier = 'MyIdentifier';
$backend->set($identifier, $data);
$otherData = 'some other data';
$backend->set($identifier, $otherData);
$fetchedData = $backend->get($identifier);
$this->assertEquals($otherData, $fetchedData, 'Memcache failed to overwrite and retrieve data');
* @test
* @author Karsten Dambekalns <>
public function findIdentifiersByTagFindsCacheEntriesWithSpecifiedTag() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = 'Some data';
$entryIdentifier = 'MyIdentifier';
$backend->set($entryIdentifier, $data, array('UnitTestTag%tag1', 'UnitTestTag%tag2'));
$retrieved = $backend->findIdentifiersByTag('UnitTestTag%tag1');
$this->assertEquals($entryIdentifier, $retrieved[0], 'Could not retrieve expected entry by tag.');
$retrieved = $backend->findIdentifiersByTag('UnitTestTag%tag2');
$this->assertEquals($entryIdentifier, $retrieved[0], 'Could not retrieve expected entry by tag.');
* @test
* @author Karsten Dambekalns <>
public function setRemovesTagsFromPreviousSet() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = 'Some data';
$entryIdentifier = 'MyIdentifier';
$backend->set($entryIdentifier, $data, array('UnitTestTag%tag1', 'UnitTestTag%tag2'));
$backend->set($entryIdentifier, $data, array('UnitTestTag%tag3'));
$retrieved = $backend->findIdentifiersByTag('UnitTestTag%tag2');
$this->assertEquals(array(), $retrieved, 'Found entry which should no longer exist.');
* @test
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
public function hasReturnsFalseIfTheEntryDoesntExist() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$identifier = 'NonExistingIdentifier';
$inCache = $backend->has($identifier);
$this->assertFalse($inCache,'"has" did not return false when checking on non existing identifier');
* @test
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
public function removeReturnsFalseIfTheEntryDoesntExist() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$identifier = 'NonExistingIdentifier';
$inCache = $backend->remove($identifier);
$this->assertFalse($inCache,'"remove" did not return false when checking on non existing identifier');
* @test
* @author Robert Lemke <>
* @author Karsten Dambekalns <>
public function flushByTagRemovesCacheEntriesWithSpecifiedTag() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = 'some data' . microtime();
$backend->set('BackendMemcacheTest1', $data, array('UnitTestTag%test', 'UnitTestTag%boring'));
$backend->set('BackendMemcacheTest2', $data, array('UnitTestTag%test', 'UnitTestTag%special'));
$backend->set('BackendMemcacheTest3', $data, array('UnitTestTag%test'));
$this->assertTrue($backend->has('BackendMemcacheTest1'), 'BackendMemcacheTest1');
$this->assertFalse($backend->has('BackendMemcacheTest2'), 'BackendMemcacheTest2');
$this->assertTrue($backend->has('BackendMemcacheTest3'), 'BackendMemcacheTest3');
* @test
* @author Karsten Dambekalns <>
public function flushRemovesAllCacheEntries() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = 'some data' . microtime();
$backend->set('BackendMemcacheTest1', $data);
$backend->set('BackendMemcacheTest2', $data);
$backend->set('BackendMemcacheTest3', $data);
$this->assertFalse($backend->has('BackendMemcacheTest1'), 'BackendMemcacheTest1');
$this->assertFalse($backend->has('BackendMemcacheTest2'), 'BackendMemcacheTest2');
$this->assertFalse($backend->has('BackendMemcacheTest3'), 'BackendMemcacheTest3');
* @test
* @author Karsten Dambekalns <>
* @author Ingo Renner <>
public function flushRemovesOnlyOwnEntries() {
$backendOptions = array('servers' => array('localhost:11211'));
$thisCache = $this->getMock(
$thisBackend = new t3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend($backendOptions);
$thatCache = $this->getMock(
$thatBackend = new t3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend($backendOptions);
$thisBackend->set('thisEntry', 'Hello');
$thatBackend->set('thatEntry', 'World!');
$this->assertEquals('Hello', $thisBackend->get('thisEntry'));
* Check if we can store ~5 MB of data, this gives some headroom for the
* reflection data.
* @test
* @author Karsten Dambekalns <>
public function largeDataIsStored() {
$backend = $this->setUpBackend();
$data = str_repeat('abcde', 1024 * 1024);
$backend->set('tooLargeData', $data);
$this->assertEquals($backend->get('tooLargeData'), $data);
* Sets up the memcached backend used for testing
* @param array $backendOptions Options for the memcache backend
* @return t3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend
* @author Christian Jul Jensen <>
* @author Karsten Dambekalns <>
* @author Ingo Renner <>
protected function setUpBackend(array $backendOptions = array()) {
$cache = $this->getMock('t3lib_cache_frontend_Frontend', array(), array(), '', FALSE);
if (empty($backendOptions)) {
$backendOptions = array('servers' => array('localhost:11211'));
$backend = new t3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend($backendOptions);
return $backend;