


Feature #20562 » 11260.patch

Administrator Admin, 2009-06-03 16:43

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php (working copy)
* Converts an XML string to a PHP array.
* This is the reverse function of array2xml()
* This is a wrapper for xml2arrayProcess that adds a two-level cache
* Usage: 17
* @param string XML content to convert into an array
* @param string The tag-prefix resolve, eg. a namespace like "T3:"
* @param boolean If set, the document tag will be set in the key "_DOCUMENT_TAG" of the output array
* @return mixed If the parsing had errors, a string with the error message is returned. Otherwise an array with the content.
* @see array2xml(),xml2arrayProcess()
* @author Fabrizio Branca <> (added caching)
public static function xml2array($string,$NSprefix='',$reportDocTag=FALSE) {
static $firstLevelCache = array();
$identifier = md5($string . $NSprefix . $reportDocTag);
// look up in first level cache
if (!empty($firstLevelCache[$identifier])) {
$array = $firstLevelCache[$identifier];
} else {
// look up in second level cache
$array = $GLOBALS['typo3CacheManager']->getCache('cache_hash')->get($identifier);
if ($array === false) {
$array = self::xml2arrayProcess($string, $NSprefix, $reportDocTag);
// store content in second level cache
$GLOBALS['typo3CacheManager']->getCache('cache_hash')->set($identifier, $array, array('ident_xml2array'), 0);
// store content in first level cache
$firstLevelCache[$identifier] = $array;
return $array;
* Converts an XML string to a PHP array.
* This is the reverse function of array2xml()
* Usage: 17
* @param string XML content to convert into an array
* @param string The tag-prefix resolve, eg. a namespace like "T3:"
* @param boolean If set, the document tag will be set in the key "_DOCUMENT_TAG" of the output array
* @return mixed If the parsing had errors, a string with the error message is returned. Otherwise an array with the content.
* @see array2xml()
public static function xml2array($string,$NSprefix='',$reportDocTag=FALSE) {
public static function xml2arrayProcess($string,$NSprefix='',$reportDocTag=FALSE) {
global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
// Create parser: